Wednesday 16 August 2017

Forex Visa Legitimation In Nc

A Embaixada / Consulado Geral realiza missões regulares de divulgação consular para trazer seus vários serviços consulares para filipinos residentes em outros estados sob sua jurisdição. O cronograma do Programa de Extensão é publicado na homepage do site Embassys / Consulates General. PASSPORT Renovação do Passaporte As Filipinas instituíram o sistema de passaporte eletrônico (ePassport) para todos os seus cidadãos. O ePassport possui tecnologia de microchip e uma série de outros recursos de segurança garantindo assim que passaportes filipinos são praticamente invioláveis. A emissão de ePassport também está em conformidade com as normas de segurança estabelecidas pela Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional (ICAO). O ePassport Philippine tem um circuito integrado (chip) dentro de suas páginas contendo dados que são essenciais para verificar a identidade do titular do passaporte. Estes incluem a informação biográfica pessoal encontrada na página de dados do passaporte, a biometria do titular do passaporte, o número de identificação de chip único e uma assinatura digital para verificar a autenticidade dos dados armazenados no chip. A tecnologia de chip permite que as informações armazenadas em um ePassport sejam lidas por leitores de chip especiais em quase todas as portas internacionais de entrada. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral recebe e processa pedidos de ePassports, que por sua vez é enviado para o Departamento de Relações Exteriores em Manila para impressão e emissão. Aguarde de 8 a 12 semanas para todo o processo até a liberação do passaporte para o candidato. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral aconselha todos os portadores de passaportes filipinos, cujos passaportes expiram dentro dos próximos 6 meses, a renovar os seus passaportes se pretendem viajar dentro do período acima mencionado. Todos os cidadãos filipinos que solicitem passaportes com a Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não precisarão mais submeter fotografias, uma vez que o seu retrato, juntamente com as suas impressões digitais e assinatura, serão recolhidos no local. Isto significa que todos os requerentes de passaporte, independentemente da idade, são doravante obrigados a comparecer pessoalmente. Não há necessidade de uma nomeação como os candidatos são servidos em um walk-in. Formulário de pedido de passaporte devidamente preenchido, dactilografado ou impresso de forma legível em tinta preta ou azul Passaporte mais recente Uma (1) fotocópia de cada uma das páginas de dados do passaporte ou seja, páginas 1-3 para o passaporte marrom ou página 1 para o passaporte verde Fotocópia de qualquer cartão de identificação válido onde o nome do meio esteja completamente escrito, como ID do estado, carteira de motorista, Certidão de Nascimento, Certidão de Casamento ou Certificado Batismal, se o último passaporte do candidato for o marrom. Prova de que o requerente não solicitou a cidadania estrangeira, p. Cartão de residente estrangeiro (green card) Envio de retorno auto-endereçado, com selos apropriados para correio expresso ou prioritário com números de rastreamento através do Serviço Postal dos EUA, ou com envelope de envio pré-pago do correio privado de escolha, se o Passport for enviado de volta. Taxa de passaporte de 60.00 (não reembolsável), pagável em dinheiro ou ordem de pagamento feita à Embaixada das Filipinas (ou Consulado Geral das Filipinas, se a solicitação for feita em um dos Consulados Gerais das Filipinas nos EUA). Cheques pessoais e cartões de crédito não são aceitos. Nota: A Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não assume qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer atraso ou perda no correio, ou enquanto os documentos estiverem sob custódia do serviço de correio. O requerente deve anotar os números de rastreamento de todos os envelopes utilizados e enviados. Os requerentes de passaporte com passaportes com guião manual, passaportes prontos para leitura mecânica (MRRP) e passaportes legíveis por máquina (MRP) A partir de 01 de Julho de 2016, todos os requerentes de renovação de passaporte com passaportes com script manual, (MRPP) e passaportes legíveis por máquina (MRP), que foram emitidos antes de março de 2010, são obrigados a apresentar o seguinte: Passaporte antigo real Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) - certificado de nascimento, original e fotocópia (As cópias podem ser Ordenado on-line via ecensus. ph) e prova de que o requerente não solicitou a cidadania estrangeira (isto é, cartão verde válido, visto válido, certificado de dupla cidadania, etc.). Substituição do Passaporte Perdido As Filipinas instituíram o sistema de passaporte eletrônico (ePassport) para todos os seus cidadãos. O ePassport possui tecnologia de microchip e uma série de outros recursos de segurança garantindo assim que passaportes filipinos são praticamente invioláveis. A emissão de ePassport também está em conformidade com as normas de segurança estabelecidas pela Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional (ICAO). O ePassport Philippine tem um circuito integrado (chip) dentro de suas páginas contendo dados que são essenciais para verificar a identidade do titular do passaporte. Estes incluem a informação biográfica pessoal encontrada na página de dados do passaporte, a biometria do titular do passaporte, o número de identificação de chip único e uma assinatura digital para verificar a autenticidade dos dados armazenados no chip. A tecnologia de chip permite que as informações armazenadas em um ePassport sejam lidas por leitores de chip especiais em quase todas as portas internacionais de entrada. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral recebe e processa pedidos de ePassports, que por sua vez é enviado para o Departamento de Relações Exteriores em Manila para impressão e emissão. Aguarde de 8 a 12 semanas para todo o processo até a liberação do passaporte para o candidato. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral aconselha todos os portadores de passaportes filipinos, cujos passaportes expiram dentro dos próximos 6 meses, a renovar os seus passaportes se pretendem viajar dentro do período acima mencionado. Todos os cidadãos filipinos que solicitem passaportes com a Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não precisarão mais submeter fotografias, uma vez que o seu retrato, juntamente com as suas impressões digitais e assinatura, serão recolhidos no local. Isto significa que todos os requerentes de passaporte, independentemente da idade, são doravante obrigados a comparecer pessoalmente. Não há necessidade de uma nomeação como os candidatos são servidos em um walk-in. Formulário de solicitação de passaporte devidamente preenchido, digitado ou impresso de forma legível em tinta preta ou azul, certificando-se de preencher a parte Declaração de Perda no formulário Fotocópia de um ID do estado, carteira de motorista, residente permanente ou qualquer outra identificação com foto válida Fotocópia do último passaporte filipino que foi perdido Se incapaz de produzir a fotocópia do passaporte filipino o mais atrasado que foi perdido, ou o passaporte perdido não foi emitido pela embaixada / consulado geral onde o candidato está aplicando: Certidão nacional do nascimento de NSO, Para aqueles nascidos 1950 e em diante ou Certidão de Não-Disponibilidade de Registro de Nascimento de NSO, para aqueles nascidos antes de 1950. O candidato pode aplicar-se para Certidão de Nascimento de NSO e Certificação de Não-Disponibilidade de Registro de Nascimento em e-census. ph. Relatório de Casamento (se o casamento foi solenizado no exterior) ou Certificado de Casamento NSO (se o casamento foi solenizado nas Filipinas), para mulheres casadas. O candidato pode solicitar o Certificado de Casamento NSO on-line no e-census. ph. Relatório de Polícia, se o passaporte perdido ainda é válido. Envio de retorno auto-endereçado, com selos apropriados para correio expresso ou prioritário com números de rastreamento via Serviço Postal dos EUA, ou com envelope de correio pré-pago do correio privado de escolha, se o Passport for enviado costas. A taxa de passaporte de 160,00 se o passaporte perdido fosse um Passaporte de leitura mecânica ou ePassport 100,00 se o passaporte perdido fosse um Passaporte de leitura pronta a máquina ou Passaporte de Manual Verde. As taxas (não-reembolsáveis) são pagáveis ​​em dinheiro ou ordem de pagamento feita à Embaixada das Filipinas (ou Consulado Geral das Filipinas, se a solicitação for feita em um dos Consulados Gerais das Filipinas nos EUA). Cheques pessoais e cartões de crédito não são aceitos. Nota: A Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não assume qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer atraso ou perda no correio, ou enquanto os documentos estiverem sob custódia do serviço de correio. O requerente deve anotar os números de rastreamento de todos os envelopes utilizados e enviados. Um período de espera de 15 dias, além do período de processamento de 8 a 12 semanas, será imposto se o passaporte perdido ainda estiver válido (não expirado) e se o passaporte não tiver sido emitido pela Embaixada / Consulado Geral Para substituição. Renovação de Passaportes para Menores (abaixo de 18 anos de idade) As Filipinas instituíram o sistema de passaporte eletrônico (ePassport) para todos os seus cidadãos. O ePassport possui tecnologia de microchip e uma série de outros recursos de segurança garantindo assim que passaportes filipinos são praticamente invioláveis. A emissão de ePassport também está em conformidade com as normas de segurança estabelecidas pela Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional (ICAO). O ePassport Philippine tem um circuito integrado (chip) dentro de suas páginas contendo dados que são essenciais para verificar a identidade do titular do passaporte. Estes incluem a informação biográfica pessoal encontrada na página de dados do passaporte, a biometria do titular do passaporte, o número de identificação de chip único e uma assinatura digital para verificar a autenticidade dos dados armazenados no chip. A tecnologia de chip permite que as informações armazenadas em um ePassport sejam lidas por leitores de chip especiais em quase todas as portas internacionais de entrada. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral recebe e processa pedidos de ePassports, que por sua vez é enviado para o Departamento de Relações Exteriores em Manila para impressão e emissão. Aguarde de 8 a 12 semanas para todo o processo até a liberação do passaporte para o candidato. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral aconselha todos os portadores de passaportes filipinos, cujos passaportes expiram dentro dos próximos 6 meses, a renovar os seus passaportes se pretendem viajar dentro do período acima mencionado. Todos os cidadãos filipinos que solicitem passaportes com a Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não precisarão mais submeter fotografias, uma vez que o seu retrato, juntamente com as suas impressões digitais e assinatura, serão recolhidos no local. Isto significa que todos os requerentes de passaporte, independentemente da idade, são doravante obrigados a comparecer pessoalmente. Não há necessidade de uma nomeação como os candidatos são servidos em um walk-in. Formulário de solicitação de passaporte devidamente preenchido, digitado ou impresso de forma legível em tinta preta ou azul, certificando-se de que a parcela de Declaração Jurídica de Consentimento para Viajar no formulário é assinada pelo menor pais / s Original passaporte original e uma fotocópia da página de dados do passaporte Original será devolvido) Filipinas National Statistics Office (NSO) Certidão de Nascimento, se nasceu nas Filipinas fotocópia do Relatório de Nascimento, se nascido no exterior. O candidato pode aplicar para o certificado de nascimento de NSO em linha em e-census. ph. Prova de que o requerente não solicitou a cidadania estrangeira, p. Cartão de residente estrangeiro (green card) Envio de retorno auto-endereçado, com selos apropriados para correio expresso ou prioritário com números de rastreamento através do Serviço Postal dos EUA, ou com envelope de envio pré-pago do correio privado de escolha, se o Passport for enviado de volta. Taxa de passaporte de 60.00 (não reembolsável), pagável em dinheiro ou ordem de pagamento feita à Embaixada das Filipinas (ou Consulado Geral das Filipinas, se a solicitação for feita em um dos Consulados Gerais das Filipinas nos EUA). Cheques pessoais e cartões de crédito não são aceitos. Nota: A Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não assume qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer atraso ou perda no correio, ou enquanto os documentos estiverem sob custódia do serviço de correio. O requerente deve anotar os números de rastreamento de todos os envelopes utilizados e enviados. Novo Passaporte (para menores de idade no estrangeiro, aplicando pela primeira vez) As Filipinas instituíram o sistema de passaporte eletrônico (ePassport) para todos os seus cidadãos. O ePassport possui tecnologia de microchip e uma série de outros recursos de segurança garantindo assim que passaportes filipinos são praticamente invioláveis. A emissão de ePassport também está em conformidade com as normas de segurança estabelecidas pela Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional (ICAO). O ePassport Philippine tem um circuito integrado (chip) dentro de suas páginas contendo dados que são essenciais para verificar a identidade do titular do passaporte. Estes incluem a informação biográfica pessoal encontrada na página de dados do passaporte, a biometria do titular do passaporte, o número de identificação de chip único e uma assinatura digital para verificar a autenticidade dos dados armazenados no chip. A tecnologia de chip permite que as informações armazenadas em um ePassport sejam lidas por leitores de chip especiais em quase todas as portas internacionais de entrada. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral recebe e processa pedidos de ePassports, que por sua vez é enviado para o Departamento de Relações Exteriores em Manila para impressão e emissão. Aguarde de 8 a 12 semanas para todo o processo até a liberação do passaporte para o candidato. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral aconselha todos os portadores de passaportes filipinos, cujos passaportes expiram dentro dos próximos 6 meses, a renovar os seus passaportes se pretendem viajar dentro do período acima mencionado. Todos os cidadãos filipinos que solicitem passaportes com a Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não precisarão mais submeter fotografias, uma vez que o seu retrato, juntamente com as suas impressões digitais e assinatura, serão recolhidos no local. Isto significa que todos os requerentes de passaporte, independentemente da idade, são doravante obrigados a comparecer pessoalmente. Não há necessidade de uma nomeação como os candidatos são servidos em um walk-in. Formulário de pedido de passaporte devidamente preenchido, dactilografado ou impresso de forma legível em tinta preta ou azul. Relatório de Nascimento Envio de resposta auto-endereçada, com selos apropriados para correio expresso ou prioritário com números de rastreamento através do Serviço Postal dos EUA ou com envelope postal pré - Courier de escolha, se o Passport for enviado de volta. Taxa de passaporte de 60.00 (não reembolsável), pagável em dinheiro ou ordem de pagamento feita à Embaixada das Filipinas (ou Consulado Geral das Filipinas, se a solicitação for feita em um dos Consulados Gerais das Filipinas nos EUA). Cheques pessoais e cartões de crédito não são aceitos. Nota: A Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não assume qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer atraso ou perda no correio, ou enquanto os documentos estiverem sob custódia do serviço de correio. O requerente deve anotar os números de rastreamento de todos os envelopes utilizados e enviados. Novo Passaporte (para aqueles que readquiriram a cidadania filipina ou para cidadãos filipinos recém-registrados) As Filipinas instituiu o sistema de passaporte eletrônico (ePassport) para todos os seus cidadãos. O ePassport possui tecnologia de microchip e uma série de outros recursos de segurança garantindo assim que passaportes filipinos são praticamente invioláveis. A emissão de ePassport também está em conformidade com as normas de segurança estabelecidas pela Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional (ICAO). O ePassport Philippine tem um circuito integrado (chip) dentro de suas páginas contendo dados que são essenciais para verificar a identidade do titular do passaporte. Estes incluem a informação biográfica pessoal encontrada na página de dados do passaporte, a biometria do titular do passaporte, o número de identificação de chip único e uma assinatura digital para verificar a autenticidade dos dados armazenados no chip. A tecnologia de chip permite que as informações armazenadas em um ePassport sejam lidas por leitores de chip especiais em quase todas as portas internacionais de entrada. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral recebe e processa pedidos de ePassports, que por sua vez é enviado para o Departamento de Relações Exteriores em Manila para impressão e emissão. Aguarde de 8 a 12 semanas para todo o processo até a liberação do passaporte para o candidato. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral aconselha todos os portadores de passaportes filipinos, cujos passaportes expiram dentro dos próximos 6 meses, a renovar os seus passaportes se pretendem viajar dentro do período acima mencionado. Todos os cidadãos filipinos que solicitem passaportes com a Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não precisarão mais submeter fotografias, uma vez que o seu retrato, juntamente com as suas impressões digitais e assinatura, serão recolhidos no local. Isto significa que todos os requerentes de passaporte, independentemente da idade, são doravante obrigados a comparecer pessoalmente. Não há necessidade de uma nomeação como os candidatos são servidos em um walk-in. Formulário de requerimento de passaporte devidamente preenchido, dactilografado ou impresso de forma legível em tinta preta ou azul Original e uma (1) fotocópia do Certificado de Identificação para Cidadania Dupla (original será devolvido) Último passaporte original e uma fotocópia da página de dados do passaporte Ser devolvido) Se não for possível produzir fotocópia do passaporte Filipino mais recente que foi perdido, ou perdido passaporte não foi emitido pela Embaixada / Consulado Geral onde o candidato está aplicando: Nacional Filipino Censo Nacional e Estatísticas Escritório (NSO) Certidão de nascimento, Ou Certificado de Não-Disponibilidade de Registro de Nascimento da NSO, para aqueles nascidos antes de 1950. O candidato pode aplicar para NSO Certidão de Nascimento e Certificação de Não-Disponibilidade de Registro de Nascimento on-line em e-census. ph. Relatório de Nascimento, se nenhum passaporte filipino antigo está disponível, e o requerente nasceu no exterior Relatório de Casamento (se o casamento foi solenizado no exterior) ou Certificado de Casamento NSO (se o casamento foi solenizado nas Filipinas), para mulheres casadas. O candidato pode solicitar o Certificado de Casamento NSO on-line no e-census. ph. Envio de retorno auto-endereçado, com selos apropriados para correio expresso ou prioritário com números de rastreamento através do Serviço Postal dos EUA, ou com envelope de envio pré-pago do correio privado de escolha, se o Passport for enviado de volta. Taxa de passaporte de 60.00 (não reembolsável), pagável em dinheiro ou ordem de pagamento feita à Embaixada das Filipinas (ou Consulado Geral das Filipinas, se a solicitação for feita em um dos Consulados Gerais das Filipinas nos EUA). Cheques pessoais e cartões de crédito não são aceitos. Nota: A Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não assume qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer atraso ou perda no correio, ou enquanto os documentos estiverem sob custódia do serviço de correio. O requerente deve anotar os números de rastreamento de todos os envelopes utilizados e enviados. Novo passaporte devido à mudança de nome As Filipinas instituiu o sistema de passaporte eletrônico (ePassport) para todos os seus cidadãos. O ePassport possui tecnologia de microchip e uma série de outros recursos de segurança garantindo assim que passaportes filipinos são praticamente invioláveis. A emissão de ePassport também está em conformidade com as normas de segurança estabelecidas pela Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional (ICAO). O ePassport Philippine tem um circuito integrado (chip) dentro de suas páginas contendo dados que são essenciais para verificar a identidade do titular do passaporte. Estes incluem a informação biográfica pessoal encontrada na página de dados do passaporte, a biometria do titular do passaporte, o número de identificação de chip único e uma assinatura digital para verificar a autenticidade dos dados armazenados no chip. A tecnologia de chip permite que as informações armazenadas em um ePassport sejam lidas por leitores de chip especiais em quase todas as portas internacionais de entrada. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral recebe e processa pedidos de ePassports, que por sua vez é enviado para o Departamento de Relações Exteriores em Manila para impressão e emissão. Aguarde de 8 a 12 semanas para todo o processo até a liberação do passaporte para o candidato. A Embaixada / Consulado Geral aconselha todos os portadores de passaportes filipinos, cujos passaportes expiram dentro dos próximos 6 meses, a renovar os seus passaportes se pretendem viajar dentro do período acima mencionado. Todos os cidadãos filipinos que solicitem passaportes com a Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não precisarão mais submeter fotografias, uma vez que o seu retrato, juntamente com as suas impressões digitais e assinatura, serão recolhidos no local. Isto significa que todos os requerentes de passaporte, independentemente da idade, são doravante obrigados a comparecer pessoalmente. Não há necessidade de uma nomeação como os candidatos são servidos em um walk-in. De acordo com as leis filipinas, o nome legal de uma pessoa pode ser alterado através do seguinte: Alteração de nome devido ao casamento Alteração de sobrenome de uma criança legitimada em virtude de um subsequente casamento de pais Alteração de nome devido a adoção Alteração de nome devido ao falecimento do cônjuge Ou anulação do casamento Alteração de nome devido ao divórcio (válido apenas para os filipinos que não agiu como demandante no processo de divórcio, ou seja, o cônjuge filipino não iniciou o processo de divórcio não é válido para casais que eram ambos filipinos no momento da Casamento) Mudança de nome devidamente ordenada pelos tribunais filipinos ou pelo Registo Civil Geral REQUISITOS GERAIS (a apresentar juntamente com outros requisitos específicos para o caso): Formulário de pedido de passaporte devidamente preenchido, dactilografado ou impresso de forma legível em tinta preta ou azul Último passaporte original E uma fotocópia da página de dados do passaporte (o original será devolvido) Comprovante de que o requerente não solicitou a cidadania estrangeira, por exemplo Cartão de estrangeiro residente Envio de resposta auto-endereçada, com selos apropriados para correio expresso ou prioritário com números de rastreamento através do Serviço Postal dos EUA, ou com envelope de envio pré-pago do correio privado de escolha, se o Passport for enviado de volta. Taxa de passaporte de 60.00 (não reembolsável), pagável em dinheiro ou ordem de pagamento feita à Embaixada das Filipinas (ou Consulado Geral das Filipinas, se a solicitação for feita em um dos Consulados Gerais das Filipinas nos EUA). Cheques pessoais e cartões de crédito não são aceitos. Nota: A Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não assume qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer atraso ou perda no correio, ou enquanto os documentos estiverem sob custódia do serviço de correio. O requerente deve anotar os números de rastreamento de todos os envelopes utilizados e enviados. EXIGÊNCIAS para mudança de nome devido ao casamento: cópia original certificada pelo NSO e uma (1) fotocópia do certificado de casamento, se o casamento foi solenizado nas Filipinas (original será devolvido). O candidato pode solicitar o Certificado de Casamento NSO on-line no e-census. ph. Original e uma (1) fotocópia da certidão de casamento (o original será devolvido) e devidamente realizado Relatório de Casamento Contratado no exterior formulário (consulte o relatório de requisitos de casamento na Lista de Serviços Consulares), se o casamento foi solenizado no exterior REQUISITOS para a mudança De nome devido à morte do marido, divórcio, casamentos anulados: Certidão de óbito autenticada do marido, ou autenticada ordem judicial de presunção de morte, para os requerentes viúvos NSO Contrato de Casamento, com anotação que reflete a anulação do casamento, para casamentos anulados. O candidato pode solicitar o Certificado de Casamento NSO on-line no e-census. ph. Original e uma (1) fotocópia do Decreto de Divórcio (original a ser devolvido), para os requerentes divorciados (permitido somente nos casos em que o cônjuge filipino não atuou como o requerente não permitido quando ambas as partes eram cidadãos filipinos no momento do casamento) Nota: Se o cônjuge filipino tiver agido como autor e desde então se casou novamente e assumiu o seu segundo ou sucessivo cônjuge sobrenome, a Embaixada / Consulado Geral pode emitir um Certificado de Um e a mesma pessoa, indicando ambos os nomes usados ​​pelo requerente e um Explicação de por que o novo passaporte não pode refletir seu nome de casada atual. REQUISITO para a mudança do nome devido à legitimação em cima do casamento subseqüente dos pais, ou como requisitado por cortes Philippine ou pelo registrador civil Geral: Certidão de nascimento de NSO com a anotação que reflete a mudança do nome devido à legitimação. O candidato pode aplicar para o certificado de nascimento de NSO em linha em e-census. ph. REQUISITO para a mudança de nome devido à adopção NSO Certidão de Nascimento, refletindo o sobrenome adotivo. O candidato pode aplicar para o certificado de nascimento de NSO em linha em e-census. ph. Alterações de nome permitidas pela Lei da República 9048: A Lei da República (AR) 9048 autoriza o registrador civil municipal ou municipal ou o cônsul geral a fazer as seguintes mudanças de nome, sem necessidade de uma ordem judicial: correção de erros de escritório ou tipográficos em qualquer Inscrição nos documentos do registo civil, com excepção das correcções que envolvam a mudança de sexo, idade, nacionalidade e estado civil de uma pessoa mudança de nome de uma pessoa no seu registo civil sob certas razões especificadas nos termos da lei através de processo administrativo Anotação refletindo a mudança de entrada. O candidato pode aplicar para o certificado de nascimento de NSO em linha em e-census. ph. DOCUMENTO DE VIAGEM Um documento de viagem é um documento de certificação ou de identificação que contém a descrição e outras circunstâncias pessoais do portador, que é emitido em vez de um passaporte e válido para viagens de ida e para as Filipinas. Um documento de viagem é emitido para um cidadão filipino que está sendo enviado de volta para as Filipinas ou que precisa viajar para casa urgentemente, mas é incapaz de cumprir plenamente os requisitos para a emissão de um passaporte regular, no momento da emergência. Prova de urgência / emergência é necessária. Formulário de pedido de documento de viagem devidamente preenchido, digitado ou impresso de forma legível em tinta preta ou azul, e autenticado se a solicitação for enviada por correio Passaporte Filipino Expirado National Statistics Office (NSO) Certidão de Nascimento, se o passaporte for perdido ou o passaporte expirado for o Marrom. O candidato pode aplicar para o certificado de nascimento de NSO em linha em e-census. ph. Declaração Jurada de Perda, devidamente autenticada por notário público local, se a solicitação for enviada por correio Quatro (4) fotos coloridas, 2 x 2, tomadas dentro de seis meses antes da data do pedido, mostrando uma vista frontal clara do rosto dos candidatos, com fundo branco. Nenhum vestuário sem mangas. Não são aceitas fotografias desfocadas ou de baixa qualidade. Envio de retorno auto-endereçado, com selos apropriados para correio expresso ou prioritário com números de rastreamento através do Serviço Postal dos EUA, ou com envelope de envio pré-pago do correio privado de escolha, se o Documento de Viagem for enviado de volta. Taxa de processamento de 30,00 (não reembolsável), a pagar em dinheiro ou ordem de pagamento feita a pagar à Embaixada das Filipinas (ou Consulado Geral das Filipinas, se a solicitação for feita em um dos Consulados Gerais Filipinas nos EUA). Cheques pessoais e cartões de crédito não são aceitos. Nota: A Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não assume qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer atraso ou perda no correio, ou enquanto os documentos estiverem sob custódia do serviço de correio. O requerente deve anotar os números de rastreamento de todos os envelopes utilizados e enviados. AUTENTICAÇÃO / RECONHECIMENTO Qualquer documento legal emitido nos EUA deve ser previamente reconhecido ou autenticado (consularizado) pela Embaixada das Filipinas / Consulado Geral para que esse documento tenha validade legal nas Filipinas. Por favor verifique o Localizador de Consulados ou o Link de Consulados para os estados cobertos pela Embaixada / Consulados Gerais nos EUA. Cada documento consularizado terá o selo da Embaixada / Consulado Geral ea assinatura do oficial de autenticação. A Embaixada das Filipinas / Consulado Geral não assume a responsabilidade pelo conteúdo do documento. PROCEDIMENTO E REQUISITOS para documentos privados, tais como procuração especial, procuração geral, declaração jurada, certificação, escritura de doação, escritura de venda, liquidação extrajudicial de imóveis, etc: 1. Carta de cobertura (manuscrita ou digitada) Dirigida à Secção Consular, indicando o serviço / transacção solicitada e os dados de contacto completos (número de telefone, endereço postal, endereço de correio electrónico). 2. Original e uma (1) fotocópia do documento e de todos os anexos. Documento (s) deve (m) ser assinado (s) pelos signatários / declarantes antes de um Funcionário Consular. 3. Original e uma (1) fotocópia de passaporte válido ou documento de identidade emitido pelo governo (o original será devolvido) 4. Se enviado por correio: Os documentos devem ser notarizados por um notário público e assinatura do notário público deve ser autenticado por O Secretário de Estado onde o Notário Público está registrado (para os candidatos vindos de estados da Região Sudeste dos EUA, consulte o diretório abaixo dos oficiais de autenticação dos Secretários de Estado). Diretório dos Escritórios dos Secretários dos Estados nos Estados Unidos Região Sudeste Escritório do Secretário de Estado Para documentos emitidos em territórios dos EUA (fora dos EUA), que estão sob a jurisdição da Embaixada das Filipinas, o documento deve ser autenticado pelo Escritórios governamentais, tais como o Gabinete do Governador, o Gabinete dos Negócios Estrangeiros, etc. (consulte o Localizador de Consulados ou o Link dos Consulados para os territórios sob a jurisdição da Embaixada). 5. Envelope de resposta com endereços próprios, com selos apropriados para correio expresso ou prioritário, com números de rastreamento através do Serviço Postal dos EUA, ou com envelope de envio pré-pago do correio privado de escolha, se o documento for enviado de volta. 6. Taxa de processamento de 25,00 (não reembolsável), pagável em dinheiro ou ordem de pagamento feita a favor da Embaixada das Filipinas (ou Consulado Geral das Filipinas, se a solicitação for feita em um dos Consulados Gerais das Filipinas nos EUA). Cheques pessoais e cartões de crédito não são aceitos. 7. Para os candidatos residentes em territórios dos EUA ou outros países dentro da jurisdição da Embaixada das Filipinas, os candidatos devem anexar tesoureiros, gerentes ou cheque certificado emitido por um banco local que tenha um banco correspondente nos EUA (a US National Bank Association não é Um banco correspondente), pagável ao mensageiro de escolha, em dólares dos EUA, para cobrir o custo do envio de correspondência, e uma correspondente correspondência auto-endereçada etiqueta de endereço. Cheques pessoais não são aceitos. Para os candidatos que preferem usar o Fedex, certifique-se de que o número de conta do candidato / destinatário é indicado na nota aérea como prova de pagamento. Nota: A Embaixada / Consulado Geral das Filipinas não assume qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer atraso ou perda no correio, ou enquanto os documentos estiverem sob custódia do serviço de correio. O requerente deve anotar os números de rastreamento de todos os envelopes utilizados e enviados. PROCEDIMENTO E REQUISITOS para documentos emitidos pelo Governo dos Estados Unidos, tais como Certificado de Nascimento, Certificado de Morte, Certificado de Casamento, Decreto de Divórcio, etc. e aqueles emitidos por instituições privadas, tais como Transcrição de Registros, Registros Médicos, Licenças, Certificados de Treinamento etc. 1. Carta de cobertura (escrita à mão ou dactilografada), dirigida à Secção Consular, indicando o serviço / transacção solicitada e completando os dados de contacto (número de telefone, endereço postal, endereço de correio electrónico). 2. Original e uma (1) fotocópia do documento e todos os anexos emitidos pela agência governamental / instituição privada. 3. O documento deve ser autenticado pelo Secretário de Estado que tem jurisdição sobre a agência governamental emissora ou o local onde a instituição privada está localizada (Por favor consulte o diretório de oficiais de autenticação dos Secretários de Estado). 4. For documents issued in U. S. territories (outside of the U. S.), which are under the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, document must be authenticated by the appropriate government offices, such as Office of the Governor, Foreign Affairs Office, etc. (please refer to the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the territories under the jurisdiction of the Embassy). 5. Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if document is to be mailed back. 6. Processing fee of 25.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. 7. For applicants residing in U. S. territories or other countries within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, applicants should enclose a treasurers, managers or certified check issued by a local bank that has a corresponding bank in the U. S. (the US National Bank Association is not a correspondent bank), payable to the courier of choice, in U. S. dollars, to cover cost of mailing, and a corresponding self-addressed couriers address label. Personal checks are not accepted. For applicants who prefer to use Fedex, please make sure that the account number of the applicant/recipient is indicated in the airway bill as proof of payment. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. PROCEDURE AND REQUIREMENTS for business-related documents, such as Trademark, Patent Application, Oath of Corporate Secretaries/Offices, Appointment of Resident Agent, Affidavit of Use/Non-Use, Assignment of Letters of Patent, etc. 1. Covering letter (handwritten or typed), addressed to the Consular Section, indicating service/transaction requested and complete contact details (telephone number, postal address, email address). 2. Original and one (1) photocopy of document and all enclosures 3. Document must be authenticated by the Secretary of State which has jurisdiction over the place where the issuing office is located (please refer to the directory of authenticating officers of the Secretaries of States). 4. Document must then be authenticated by the U. S. Department of State. 5. For documents issued in U. S. territories (outside of the U. S.), which are under the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, document must be authenticated by the appropriate government offices, such as Office of the Governor, Foreign Affairs Office, etc. (please refer to the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the territories under the jurisdiction of the Embassy). 6. Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if document is to be mailed back. 7. Processing fee of 25.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. 8. For applicants residing in U. S. territories or other countries within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, applicants should enclose a treasurers, managers or certified check issued by a local bank that has a corresponding bank in the U. S. (the US National Bank Association is not a correspondent bank), payable to the courier of choice, in U. S. dollars, to cover cost of mailing, and a corresponding self-addressed couriers address label. Personal checks are not accepted. For applicants who prefer to use Fedex, please make sure that the account number of the applicant/recipient is indicated in the airway bill as proof of payment. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. The Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco allows the direct authentication of U. S. state, county and other official documents (i. e. country or state-issued documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, certificates of no police record, court documents, official school transcript of records and other similar documents do not need to be notarized). CIVIL REGISTRY Solemnization of Marriage Consular Officers are authorized to solemnize marriages between two Filipinos of the states under the jurisdiction of the Embassy/Consulate General. Please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S. In view of the infrequency of need for this service, applicants for solemnization of marriage are advised to just call the Embassy/Consulate General concerned for the requirements. Report of Marriage between Filipinos or a Filipino and a Foreign National The marriage of a Filipino should be reported to and registered with the Philippine National Statistics Office through the Embassy/Consulate General having jurisdiction over the locality where the event took place. Please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S. Four (4) original duly-accomplished Report of Marriage Contracted Abroad form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, signed by both husband and wife. Wives should indicate their maiden name as the last name. If submitting by mail, the completed forms must be notarized. Covering letter (handwritten or typed), addressed to the Consular Section, indicating service/transaction requested and telephone number or email address for contact details One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of the Marriage Record (original will be returned) One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of the Marriage Certificate or Contract (original will be returned) Four (4) photocopies of a government-issued identification card or passport of both husband and wife Four (4) photocopies of Philippine birth certificate of Filipino spouse Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Report of Marriage is to be mailed back. Processing fee of 25.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. For applicants residing in U. S. territories or other countries within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, applicants should enclose a treasurers, managers or certified check issued by a local bank that has a corresponding bank in the U. S. (the US National Bank Association is not a correspondent bank), payable to the courier of choice, in U. S. dollars, to cover cost of mailing, and a corresponding self-addressed couriers address label. Personal checks are not accepted. For applicants who prefer to use Fedex, please make sure that the account number of the applicant/recipient is indicated in the airway bill as proof of payment. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. A. IF FILIPINO SPOUSE WAS PREVIOUSLY MARRIED AND DIVORCED, OR PREVIOUSLY MARRIED AND MARRIAGE WAS SUBSEQUENTLY ANNULLED One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of the Judicial Decree of Divorce or Annulment (original will be returned) Note: Article 26 of the Family Code of the Philippines or Executive Order No. 209 (as amended by E. O. No. 227, promulgated on 27 July 1987) provides that: All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines, in accordance with the laws in force in the country where they were solemnized, and valid there as such, shall also be valid in this country, except those prohibited under Articles 35, 37 and 38. Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner is validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have capacity to remarry under Philippine law (underlining and highlighting supplied.) B. IF THE FILIPINO SPOUSE IS A WIDOW / WIDOWER One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of Death Certificate of deceased spouse (original will be returned) C. OTHER REQUIREMENTS The Consular Officer reserves the right to require additional proof or documents from an applicant, to prove his/her citizenship or identity pursuant to the Philippine Passport Law (R. A. 8239) and the Foreign Service Act. (R. A. 7157) Report of Birth of Child Born Abroad of Filipino Parents The birth of a Filipino should be reported to and registered with the Philippine National Statistics Office through the Embassy/Consulate General having jurisdiction over the locality where the event took place. Please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S. Four (4) original duly-accomplished Report of Birth application forms, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, with the portion for witnesses duly-filled out when applying by mail. Forms should be notarized if submitting by mail. For applicants with more than one given name, please indicate all names under Childs First Name and the mothers maiden name for Childs Middle Name. Covering letter (handwritten or typed), addressed to the Consular Section, indicating service/transaction requested and telephone number or email address for contact details One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of Birth Certificate (original will be returned) One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of Marriage Certificate of the parents (original will be returned) Notarized Affidavit of Acknowledgment of the Paternity and Permission to Use Fathers Surname, executed by the father, if parents are not married and the fathers surname is being used by the child One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of proof of Philippine citizenship of either parent at time of birth of the child, such as Philippine passport (original will be returned), and photocopies of alien registration card, for green card holders. If only one parent is a Filipino at the time of childs birth, the non-Filipino parent must submit four (4) photocopies of a government-issued identification card or passport. For parents who are dual citizens, four (4) photocopies of Order of Approval or Petition for Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship, indicating the name of the child as a minor-beneficiary of the parents re-acquisition of Philippine citizenship. If applicable, four (4) photocopies of U. S. Naturalization Certificate of parent(s). Notarized affidavit explaining the reasons for delayed registration, if Report of Birth is filed more than a year after the child is born Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Report of Birth is to be mailed back. Processing fee of 25.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. For applicants residing in U. S. territories or other countries within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, applicants should enclose a treasurers, managers or certified check issued by a local bank that has a corresponding bank in the U. S. (the US National Bank Association is not a correspondent bank), payable to the courier of choice, in U. S. dollars, to cover cost of mailing, and a corresponding self-addressed couriers address label. Personal checks are not accepted. For applicants who prefer to use Fedex, please make sure that the account number of the applicant/recipient is indicated in the airway bill as proof of payment. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. The Consular Officer may require additional proof or documents from applicant to determine the childs citizenship, identity, or eligibility for registration of birth under Philippine laws. Report of Death and/or Consular Mortuary Certificate The death of a Filipino should be reported to and registered with the Philippine National Statistics Office through the Embassy/Consulate General having jurisdiction over the locality where the event took place. Please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S. Consular. Mortuary Certificates are issued when remains or the cremated remains of a deceased (Filipino or foreigner) are to be transported to the Philippines. One (1) original copy of the duly-accomplished Report of Death application form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, signed by the representative (if deceased is a Filipino citizen) . Form should be notarized if submitting by mail. One (1) original copy and (5) photocopies of the Certificate of Death issued by the State Department of Health One (1) original and five (5) photocopies of notarized certificate issued by the Mortuary Director that the body was properly embalmed or cremated, and that the casket contains only the body of the deceased (for human remains only) One (1) original and five (5) photocopies of the Certificate of Cremation issued by the Crematory (for cremated remains only) One (1) original and five (5) photocopies of the Certificate of No Contagious Disease issued by the State Department of Health (for human remains only) One (1) original and five (5) photocopies of the Burial Transit Permit (for human remains only) Six (6) copies of the Itinerary, to include full flight details and mode of transportation Name, address, and contact number of the receiving funeral parlor in the Philippines (for human remains only) Six (6) photocopies of the deceaseds identification card or passport Six (6) photocopies of identification documents (passport, drivers license, etc.) of the person who will travel with the urn (for cremated remains only) Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Consular Mortuary Certificate is to be mailed back. Processing fee in the amount of fifty dollars (50.00), if Filipino, and 25.00 if US citizen. payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Payments are non-refundable. For applicants residing in U. S. territories or other countries within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, applicants should enclose a treasurers, managers or certified check issued by a local bank that has a corresponding bank in the U. S. (the US National Bank Association is not a correspondent bank), payable to the courier of choice, in U. S. dollars, to cover cost of mailing, and a corresponding self-addressed couriers address label. Personal checks are not accepted. For applicants who prefer to use Fedex, please make sure that the account number of the applicant/recipient is indicated in the airway bill as proof of payment. If deceased is no longer a Filipino citizen, reduce the number of photocopies by two (2) for requirements 2 - 10. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. DUAL CITIZENSHIP Republic Act 9225 otherwise known as the Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003 (more popularly known as the Dual Citizenship Law) enables former natural-born Filipinos who have become naturalized citizens of another country to reacquire/retain their Philippine citizenship by taking an oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines before a Philippine Consular Officer. Upon reacquiring their Philippine citizenship, they shall enjoy full civil, economic and political rights as Filipinos. Under the principle of derivative citizenship, unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of age, whether legitimate, illegitimate, or adopted, of former Filipino parents who reacquired their Philippine citizenship under this law, may also be deemed Filipino citizens, if they are included in the parents application for reacquisition of Philippine citizenship. However, there is another kind of dual citizenship, which is not covered by the law. This pertains to a dual citizen by birth: A child born in the United States when either parent was still a Filipino citizen is considered to be a dual citizen from birth (if born on or after January 17, 1973) . Dual citizens who wish to apply for a Philippine passport will need to make a separate application and submit the requirements as specified in passport for dual or newly-registered PH citizens link on the left. Application for reacquisition of Philippine citizenship Submit the original and one duplicate copy of the following required documents to apply for reacquisition of Philippine citizenship: One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of the duly-accomplished Dual Citizenship application form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink Copy of Philippine Birth Certificate (original to be presented before the oath taking, when applying by mail) Copies of Philippine and U. S. Passports (originals to be presented before the oath taking, when applying by mail) Copy of Marriage Certificate/Contract, for married women (original to be presented before the oath taking, when applying by mail) Copy of U. S. Naturalization Certificate (original to be presented before the oath taking, when applying by mail) Four (4) colored photos, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Processing fee of 50.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted . Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS for Derivative Citizenship Ensure that the appropriate portions on page 2 of the Dual Citizenship application form are filled up Duplicate original or certified photocopy of the birth certificate of the children and their non-Philippine passport Three (3) identical colored photos, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Processing fee of 25.00 (non-refundable), per derivative child, payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted . The applicant will be informed of the date for the oath taking before a Consular Officer at the Embassy/Consulate General. Prior to taking his/her oath, the applicant will be required to sign the Oath of Allegiance prepared by the Embassy/Consulate General. The applicant will receive his/her original copy of the notarized oath of allegiance, together with the Order of Approval, Petition for Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship and Identification Certificate issued by the Embassy/Consulate General, after the oath has been administered. If the applicant is a Bureau of Immigration registered alien, he shall surrender the original ACR and ICR/CRTV, or in its absence, an affidavit explaining the loss of said documents for transmittal to the BI. Applicants scheduled for oath-taking are requested to come dressed in at least decent casual attire, which does not include sleeveless shirts (for men), tank top, spaghetti strapped or mid-riff blouses (for women), shorts of any kind, and slippers. Rights and privileges Once you reacquire/retain your Philippine citizenship, you will again enjoy full civil, economic and political rights under existing Philippine laws. Among these rights are: The right to travel with a Philippine passport. The right to own real property in the Philippines. The right to engage in business and commerce as a Filipino, and The right to practice ones profession, provided that a license or permit to engage in such practice is obtained from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), or the Supreme Court in the case of lawyers. You may also vote in Philippine national elections (for President, Vice President, Senators and sectoral representatives) by overseas/absentee ballot in accordance with the provisions of the Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003. You will enjoy all other rights and privileges enjoyed by Filipino citizens. Implication on taxes Under the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program of 1997, incomes earned abroad by Filipinos from 1998 onwards are no longer taxable. Hence, all Filipinos abroad, including those who have reacquired their Philippine citizenship, have been exempted by the Philippine Government from paying Philippine income tax on incomes earned abroad. Incomes earned in the Philippines, however, will be subject to Philippine income tax. Travel Tax exemption is being granted to dual citizens departing the Philippines and returning to the United States whose arrival is stamped on the Philippine passport and whose stay does not exceed one (1) year, the same privilege accorded to Filipino permanent residents abroad . For this purpose, a Travel Tax Exemption Certificate (TIEZA Form 354) is issued upon presentation of both the Philippine and U. S. passports. Processing fee of Php 200.00 is collected for every certificate issued. Those whose arrival is stamped on the U. S. passport need not secure the exemption certificate for they are not covered by the Travel Tax pursuant to Section 1 of PD 1183 as amended. Provided that their immigration status in the Philippines is as temporary visitors and not as permanent resident. Dual citizens whose stay in the Philippines exceed one (1) year will pay the travel tax irrespective of which passport they are using for travel. Residency requirement Residency in the Philippines is NOT a requirement for those who reacquire Philippine citizenship. Visa requirement for foreign spouse and/or children when traveling to the Philippines As long as the foreign spouse and children travel with the Balikbayan . they will be entitled to a visa-free entry to the Philippines for a period of one (1) year. Note: Documents submitted which are in a foreign language must have an official English translation. VISA Nationals of a number of countries with which the Philippines maintains diplomatic relations, including the United States, may avail themselves of visa-free entry into the Philippines, provided their stay will not exceed 30 days. Please contact the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General for information on which countries are extended this privilege. US citizens who wish to stay more than 30 days in the Philippines and nationals of countries who are not extended the 30-day visa free privilege should apply for a visa before traveling to the Philippines. Returning Balikbayans or former Filipinos may also enter the Philippines without a visa and stay for a period of one (1) year, provided that they have a passport valid for 6 months beyond the intended stay in the Philippines, a roundtrip ticket, and proof of former Philippine citizenship (e. g. old Philippine passport or NSO-authenticated birth certificate). Foreign spouses and their minor children may avail themselves of this privilege if traveling with the Balikbayan . Non-immigrant Visa Of the above, the most frequently-applied for visa at the Embassy are the 9(a) Temporary Visitors Visa, 9(c) Seamans Visa, and the 9(e) Foreign Government Official Visa. For inquiries regarding the other non-immigrant visa types, applicants may call the Embassy/Consulate General concerned. Please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S. Applicants may check the Philippine Bureau of Immigration website to check if they need to apply for a visa. 9(A) Temporary Visitors Visa Passport of applicant (valid at least 6 months from return date) Duly-accomplished Non-Immigrant Visa application form. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, and notarized if sent by mail Travel Itinerary (applicant must be a holder of a roundtrip/onward flight ticket out of Manila) One (1) colored photo, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Proof of Financial Capacity (photocopy of latest bank statement and an employment certificate from the employer indicating position and salary, or affidavit of support), for Tourist Visa (for pleasure only). Letter from employer or sponsor of the trip, indicating its specific purpose or nature and length of stay (inclusive dates) in the Philippines, for Tourist Visa (for business only). For minor visa applicants (below 18) traveling on their own, affidavit of support and guarantee from either parent, as well as photocopy of parents bank statement. Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee, according to fee schedule below (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. For nationals of countries with visa agreement with the Philippines: Single entry valid for three (3) months US 30.00 Multiple entry valid for six (6) months US 60.00 Multiple-entry valid for twelve (12) months US 90.00 For nationals of countries without visa agreement with the Philippines: Single entry valid for three (3) months US 40.00 Multiple entry valid for six (6) months US 80.00 Multiple-entry valid for twelve (12) months US 120.00 Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Waiver of Exclusion Ground (WEG) for Certain Minors As a rule, minors, who are under 15 years of age and unaccompanied by or not traveling with a parent to the Philippines, are generally excluded from entering the Philippine ports of entry. To avoid exclusion before arrival at Philippine ports, the minors parent/s or guardian needs to submit an Affidavit of Request, Consent and Guarantee for the Issuance of Waiver of Exclusion Ground, duly-authenticated/acknowledged by the Embassy/Consulate General, to the Bureau of Immigration authorities at the port of entry and pay the waiver fee of P3,120.00 for each unaccompanied minor. To have the Affidavit of Request, Consent and Guarantee duly-authenticated/acknowledged by the Embassy/Consulate General, please refer to the procedures and requirements for private documents under the Authentication/Acknowledgment link. In addition to the requirements enumerated, please include a copy of the Report of Birth of child, if born abroad, or a copy of the NSO Birth Certificate, if born in the Philippines, or a copy of the Birth Certificate issued by the Department of Health or the Office of Vital Statistics, if born in the U. S. (originals to be presented), as well as a photocopy of the data page of the passport of the child. For US citizens and citizens of countries with 30-day visa free privileges who intend to stay longer than 30 days, please see requirements for 9(A) Temporary Visitors Visa. Except for 6, all visa requirements apply. Proof of financial capacity will be the burden of the parent/s or guardian and not the child. Passport of applicant (valid at least 6 months from return date) Duly-accomplished Non-Immigrant Visa application form. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, and notarized if sent by mail Travel Itinerary (roundtrip ticket not necessary) One (1) colored photo, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Letter from Shipping Company Crew List Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee of 20.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. 9(E) Foreign Government Officials Holders of diplomatic and official U. S. passports who will be traveling to the Philippines on official business for a stay not exceeding 30 days no longer need to apply for a diplomatic or official visa with the Philippine Embassy. However, U. S. government officials must possess passports that are valid for at least six months beyond the contemplated period of stay in the Philippines and a return ticket to the U. S. or to their next country of destination. Passport of applicant (valid at least 6 months from return date) Duly-accomplished Non-Immigrant Visa application form. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, and notarized if sent by mail One (1) colored photo, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Letter from US government agency requesting issuance of visa or Note Verbale from US State Department Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee gratis Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Special Non-Immigrant 47(A) (2) visa Passport of applicant (valid at least 6 months from return date) Two copies of duly-accomplished Non-Immigrant Visa application forms. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, and notarized if sent by mail Four (4) colored photos, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Letter from Foundation or Institute stating that the applicant is connected with such program, which is approved by the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs Two (2) copies of the Medical Examination Report (FA Form No. 11) duly-accomplished by a licensed physician whose signature must be notarized, and which should not be more than six (6) months from date of application Chest X-ray negative, standard size, to be presented to the Embassy and hand carried to the Philippines Certificate of No Police Record from place of residence of applicant (original and one photocopy) Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee gratis Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Immigrant Visa A non-quota immigrant visa may be granted to the spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age of Philippine citizens (13A) and to former Filipinos who have already acquired foreign citizenships including their spouse and unmarried minor children (13G). 13A and 13 G visa holders are eligible to apply for duty-free shipment to the Philippines. Processing time for 13A and G visas is two (2) weeks after complete submission of requirements. Passport of applicant (valid at least 1 year from date of application). One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of the duly-accomplished Immigrant Visa application form. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink Four (4) identical colored photos, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of documentary evidence to prove spouses Philippine citizenship and to show applicants relationship to the Philippine citizen, i. e. Philippine passport and marriage contract (original will be returned). NSO Marriage Certificate must be presented if Report of Marriage is not available. Medical Examination Report. duly-accomplished by a licensed physician, which should include his contact details, and which should not be more than six (6) months from date of application, together with laboratory reports (original and one photocopy). Chest X-ray, negative, standard size, or in CD (preferable), to be presented to the Embassy and hand carried to the Philippines. Certificate of No Police Record from place of residence of applicant (original and one photocopy) One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of evidence of sound financial status (e. g. proof of real property, investment/s, bank certification, pension, or notarized Affidavit of Support from a relative in the Philippines, with attached documents to substantiate declaration or claim) Personal appearance for interview Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee of 150.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Passport of applicant (valid at least 1 year from date of application). Photocopy of Certificate of Naturalization (original to be presented) One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of the duly-accomplished Immigrant Visa application form. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink Four (4) identical colored photos, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of documentary evidence to prove applicants former Philippine citizenship, as well as proof of legal relationship for foreign spouse and minor children, such as, birth certificate, Philippine passport, marriage contract (original will be returned) Medical Examination Report. duly-accomplished by a licensed physician, which should include his contact details, and which should not be more than six (6) months from date of application, together with laboratory reports (original and one photocopy). Chest X-ray, negative, standard size, or in CD (preferable), to be presented to the Embassy and hand carried to the Philippines. Certificate of No Police Record from place of residence of applicant (original and one photocopy) Personal appearance for interview Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee of 150.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Certificate of Not the Same Person According to the Philippine Bureau of Immigration: Not the Same Person is a document issued to an individual attesting to the fact that s/he is not the person listed and/or included in the Hold Departure Order of the Bureau of Immigration, Watch List Order or Blacklist Order. The requirements under visa issuance, visa extension, student desk, ACR I-card Application Form duly, accomplished (VCU Form 2, available at immigration. gov. ph ) Photocopy of General Application Form, duly accomplished (BI Form No. RADJR 2012 from PIA) Affidavit of Denial, duly notarized Photocopy of the applicants passport (data page and travel stamp page) One 2x2 ID picture If applied by a representative, photocopy of valid ID Walk-in Applicant (Airport Problems Excluded / Offloaded Passenger / DFA Derogatory) Application Form, duly accomplished (VCU Form 2, available at immigration. gov. ph ) Court Clearance (cases within Metro Manila) NBI Clearance (cases outside Metro Manila) If either clearances No. 2 and 3 are not available, submit old certificate of Not the Same Person (if there is no additional names listed in the Derogatory records) Affidavit of Denial, duly notarized Photocopy of the applicants passport (data page and travel stamp page) If applied by a representative, photocopy of valid ID Out of the Country Applicant (former Filipino/Foreign National) Application Form, duly accomplished Download a Not the same person application form from the Bureaus website at immigration. gov. ph or email the Bureau at xinfoimmigration. gov. ph to request an application form Special Power of Attorney, duly notarized by the Philippine Embassy Photocopy of the applicants passport (data page and travel stamp page) Philippine National Bureau of Investigation Clearance, certifying that the applicant is not the person who is in the Derogatory List Photocopy of representatives valid ID Balikbayan Program Under the Balikbayan Program of the Philippines, the following persons are considered Balikbayans: a Filipino citizen who has been continuously out of the Philippines for a period of at least one year from the date of last departure a Filipino Overseas Worker and a former Filipino citizen who had been naturalized in a foreign country and holds a foreign passport (original proof of former Philippine citizenship, such as old Philippine passport, birth certificate, or foreign naturalization papers showing Filipino nationality will be required). Balikbayans are entitled to the following benefits: travel tax exemption visa-free entry to the Philippines for a period of one year from the date of arrival in the Philippines duty-free shopping privileges up to US1,500.00 Family members (spouse and children) of a Balikbayan who are holding foreign passports are also entitled to Balikbayan privileges, on the condition that they: travel with the Balikbayan pay any applicable immigration fees and observe and comply with immigration rules and regulations. (proof of affiliation may be required) However, a Balikbayan who has acquired the citizenship of a country that falls under the visa-required nationals category per Philippine visa regulations, or his/her family member whose nationality also falls under the cited category, is not entitled to a Balikbayan privilege and is required to obtain an entry visa to the Philippines. TRANSPORT OF PETS Import permit obtained from the Philippine Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) This can be obtained online via the Application for Import of Pets form. Processing time can take one to three working days. For further questions, email baiquarantinephgmail Health certificate issued by US authority and authenticated by Philippine Embassy or Consulate. Secure a health certificate for each pet from a duly licensed veterinarian or from the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The health certificate should be dated within 30 days before the date of arrival in the Philippines. The health certificate should certify that the animal is free from, and has not been recently exposed to, any dangerous or communicable disease, and that it has been given anti-rabies and other required inoculations. Submit the health certificate/s for authentication to the Philippine Embassy/Consulate (please check the consulate finder or the consulates link in the Embassy website for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates in the U. S.). Enclose self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if authenticated health certificate is to be mailed back to sender. Enclose authentication fee of 25 (non-refundable) on money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines. Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Notes: Embassy/Consulate processing time is one (1) day. The Philippine Embassy/Consulate assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Requirements above (i. e. the import permit from BAI and authenticated health certificate) must be presented at the Philippine airport upon the arrival of the pet. (Failure to present the requirements may result in pet/s being quarantined upon arrival) NATIONAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (NBI) CLEARANCE (from nbi. gov. ph ) REQUIREMENTS (for first-time applicants living/working abroad): Secure a Fingerprint Card form from the Embassy (Office of the Police Attache)/Consulate and fill it up. For married women, please write your name in the following order: maiden surname (fathers surname), husbands surname, first or given name, and maternal surname (mothers family name). Attach a colored 2 x 2 photograph, taken within three months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Proceed to the police agency in your locality to have your fingerprints impressed (ROLLED IMPRESSION) on the appropriate spaces. The officer /person who fingerprinted you should sign his name and state his official designation on the space provided for the purpose on the card. Have the Fingerprint Card form authenticated by the Secretary of State with jurisdiction over the police agency. Present/Mail the Fingerprint Card for authentication by the Embassy/Consulate General. (please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S.). Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if authenticated Fingerprint Card is to be mailed back. Authentication fee of 25 (non-refundable), payable in money order, bank draft, certified check or cashiers check, and cash when personally applying. Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Send authenticated Fingerprint Card to the NBI for issuance of clearance (please refer to sending instructions below). Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. By Mail - Enclose Money Order in the amount of Php 200.00 or bank draft, which is negotiable in the Philippines, payable to the Director, National Bureau of Investigation, Taft Avenue, Ermita 1000 Manila, Philippines. The following are the accredited banks: Philippine National Bank (PNB) Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Co. (HSBC) ANZ A New Zealand Bank METROBANK Bank of Philippine Islands (BPI) Mr. Francisco Donozo Attn: Identification and Records Division - Mailed Clearance Section National Bureau of Investigation Taft Ave. Ermita 1000 Manila Philippines Through a Representative in the Philippines Mail the accomplished form to your representative, along with a signed letter authorizing him/her to transact business on your behalf. Your relative may visit the office of the Electronic Data Processing Division (EDPD) in NBI Taft Avenue, Manila for further assistance. Upon receipt of your clearance certificate, please examine it for the presence of the embossed NBI DRY SEAL at its lower left portion. The clearance is invalid without it. You must also affix your clear and properly taken THUMBPRINT on the space provided for on the clearance certificate with the assistance of any local police in your area before submitting it to the end-user. REQUIREMENTS (for applicants living/working abroad renewing their NBI clearance, issued from 1998 onwards): Original NBI clearance, with updated information for address and purpose of clearance indicated otherwise, write Same Data, if none For changes in name, date of birth or place of birth, duly-accomplished Fingerprint Card form, with photocopy of Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate One (1) colored photo, 2 x 2, taken within three months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Photocopy of your passport with date stamped proving your presence abroad Send all of the above documents to the NBI, following the same SENDING instructions. Note: If NBI clearance was issued prior to 1998, or you have lost your personal copy of the certificate, follow the instructions for First Time applicants from abroad. RENEWAL OF PHILIPPINE DRIVERS LICENSE In accordance with Land Transportation Office (LTO) Administrative Order No. RIB-2008-011 Series of 2007, it is now possible for Filipinos abroad who hold an authentic Philippine drivers license to renew their expired license through their authorized representative in the Philippines. The following documents must be presented by the authorized representative of the applicant to LTO: Original drivers license and receipt (plus one photocopy of each) Photocopy of Philippine passport (first page, visa page and pages showing departure from the Philippines and last arrival overseas) Special Power of Attorney (SPA) from the licensee to the LTO requesting the renewal and authorizing a representative to renew the license on his / her behalf. The SPA must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate General (please refer to Authentication procedures and requirements in the list of Consular Services). Applicants within the National Capital Region (NCR) or Metro Manila may apply for renewal at the License Section of the Central Office of the LTO in Quezon City. Representatives who are outside of NCR may apply at the LTO field office of their choice. NOTE: only an OFFICIAL RECEIPT will be issued by the LTO to those who apply for extensions on their drivers license through a representative. A new ID-card can only be issued upon the arrival of the applicant at the LTO in the Philippines and compliance with all requirements for license renewal, including the biometrics capture, medical, vision and drug test. PH REQUIREMENTS FOR MEDICAL MISSIONS According to the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA, formerly BFAD), any foreign organization intending to bring medicines and/or medical equipment to be donated or used during the conduct of medical missions must comply with the requirements of the Department of Healths Bureau of International Health Cooperation (DOH-BIHC). DOH-BIHC shall then facilitate the issuance of a clearance from the FDA and the Bureau of Health Devices and Technology (BHDT) for the drugs, medical supplies and medical equipment, as the case may be. 1. All applications for Foreign Surgical and Medical Missions (FSMM) shall be submitted to the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) who shall forward the same to the following professional groups copy furnished DOH. Click here to download application form (from PMA website, philippinemedicalassociation. org ). 2. Each member of the foreign medical team must submit the following documents in applying for temporary license to practice during the duration of the mission. All documents must be in English or with English translation: a. Valid/current license from country of origin, authenticated by the Embassy/Consulate (please refer to Authentication procedures and requirements in the list of Consular Services) b. Board certification (specialty), authenticated by the Embassy/Consulate (please refer to Authentication procedures and requirements in the list of Consular Services) c. Curriculum vitae, acknowledged by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate (please refer to Authentication procedures and requirements in the list of Consular Services) d. Passport sized picture in four copies (taken within one year) e. Application letter addressed to the President of PMA to contain the following information: - Type of mission (medical, surgical or both) - Duration of the mission and inclusive dates - Names and specialties of the mission team members - Written consent from the host local government executive (governor/mayor) and/or of the health facility where the mission will be conducted f. The following are additional requirements if the foreign mission team members intend to bring drugs, and/or medicines, medical supplies and medical equipment to be donated or used during the mission: - Itemized list of the items together with the quantity and the expiration dates for drugs and medicines - Deed of donation authenticated at the country of origin (please refer to Authentication procedures and requirements in the list of Consular Services) - Deed of acceptance from the host hospital/Local Government Unit (LGU) - Drugs and medicines to be donated should have a shelf life of at least 12 months upon arrival in the country and the said medicine shall be used solely for the scheduled mission. - Application must be submitted 60 days before the date of mission to facilitate clearance/s from DOH and other agencies. g. Letter of certification from the sponsoring host organization (LGU or Non-Government Organization (NGO)) certifying the need and type of mission to be conducted. Cost of post-care mission of morbidities/mortalities arising from the mission will be shouldered as well by the host organization. h. Proof of juridical entity (certified true copy of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration must be submitted. i. Notarized letter of guarantee from both the medical mission group and the host organization assuming full responsibility for the outcome of the missions. 3. The PMA, upon receipt of all requirements, will forward the application to the concerned specialty societies for evaluation of credentials. The DOH will be informed immediately of the presence of drugs, medical supplies and medical equipment. 4. The DOH shall facilitate issuance of clearance by its FDA and BHDT for the above mentioned goods. 5. After the evaluation of the missioners credentials by the concerned Specialty Society, the PMA shall send a letter of endorsement to DOH. 6. The DOH shall then endorse the documents to Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). 7. The PRC, after final review, shall issue the Special Temporary Permit to Practice to concerned foreign missioners. 8. The lead time for the processing of the application are as follows: PMA - 2 weeks before the mission date DOH - 1 week before the mission date PRC - 3 weeks before the mission date 9. Post-mission report shall be submitted by the head of the foreign surgical and/or medical missions, concurred/noted by the President of the local component society of PMA, and/or specialty society and the LGU concerned, to the oversight agencies (DOH, PMA, PRC) 15 days after the completion of the mission. All records and audio-visual documents must also be submitted in triplicate form. The post-mission report should contain the following minimum basic information: No. and age of cases seen Diagnosis of patients List of medicines distributed and surgical interventions done Endorsements to the necessary health facilities (follow-up, further evaluation and management) Morbidities and mortalities, if any 10. All materials submitted to the oversight agencies shall be the property of the Philippine counterpart and may not be used for advertisement, solicitation or medical publication without the written and expressed approval of the local medical society and/or specialty society of the PMA and the local counterpart. Any intellectual output as journal or publication must include the local physicians as senior authors. 11. Former Filipino Registered Health Professionals who are part of a Medical/Surgical Mission Team may practice their profession in the Philippines upon presentation of proof of valid and current PRC licenses. Otherwise, they have to renew their licenses upon submission of the following requirements (Presidential Decree No. 541): Photocopy of current/valid passport (page 1 and the page showing the date of arrival in the Philippines) Photocopy of PRC license and valid certificate of registration License/Certificate of Registration in the adopted country or Certification of employment with letterhead indicating the job description within the definition of the applicants profession Four pieces of recent passport size pictures (taken within one year) Payment of prescribed fees at PRC Certificated of training and board certification (for specialists) Application for Temporary Special Permit (PRC form 103-A) 12. Foreign Religious groups/missionaries practicing medicine in the country shall abide by the same requirements and adhere to the guidelines. These missioners who serve for longer period of time shall signify their intention to continue living in the Philippines to pursue missionary works. They shall secure Special Temporary Permit, which is to be renewed annually. The following must be submitted: Certification for their congregation that the medical works are purely for charity purposes and with no remuneration involved whatsoever. A certification from the congregation assuming the responsibility for any action of the said physician The missionary should submit to PMA an annual mission report including a list of patients treated The missionary is required to attend PMA or component societies Continuing Medical Education (CME) related activities once a year to update their medical knowledge. The missionary who conducted his missionary works in the province must coordinate with the PMA component society for proper identification and monitoring. According to the DOH-BIHC, the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) may be contacted to assist organizers of foreign medical missions. The CFOs contact details are: Commission on Filipinos Overseas Citigold Center, 1345 President Quirino Avenue, Corner South Superhighway, Manila Telephone Nos. (632) 561-8327, 552-4701 Fax No. 561-8332 Mobile Nos. (63) 9175630773 / (63) 9175630782 Email: imelda. nicolascfo. gov. ph The DOHs Revised Policies and Guidelines in the Conduct of FSMM may be found at doh. gov. ph (click on Doing Business gt Medical Missions). Below is the DOHs complete text on the Procedural Guide for Shipping Medicines/Drugs for Medical Missions . Pursuant to item VII, No. 3 (f) of the Joint Administrative Order No. 2009-0030, of the DOH, the PRC, and the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), the following are additional requirements if the foreign mission team members intend to bring drugs, and/or medicines, medical supplies and medical equipment to be donated or used during the mission: Itemized list of the items together with the quantity and the expiration dates for drugs and medicines Flight details Deed of donation authenticated at the country of origin Deed of acceptance from the host hospital/Local Government Unit Drugs and medicines to be donated should heave a shelf life of at least 12 months upon arrival in the country and the said medicine shall be used solely for the scheduled mission Application must be submitted 60 days before the date of mission to facilitate clearance/s from DOH and other agencies With regard to the entry of drugs which need to be regulated by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), please refer to the PDEAs website at pdea. gov. ph . Please be also informed that the donated medicines are subject to duties and taxes. These shall only be exempted from duties if these are consigned to government and private (primary and secondary) hospitals duly licensed to operated by the DOH, and welfare/relief dispensing organizations/agencies registered and/or accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and registered with the SEC. Even if the donation is exempted from duties, it will still be subject to Value-Added Tax (VAT), which is computed at twelve percent (12) of the total cost of shipment. In securing duty-free clearance, the following documents must be submitted to the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and the Department of Finance (DOF): A. From the Donor: Deed of Donation duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate Packing list of donated items. If medicines would be included in the shipment, kindly submit the itemized list of drugs and quantity to be donated indicating brand/generic name, dosage forms/strengths, batch/lot number, expiration date of at least one (1) year upon receipt, and name/address of the manufacturer and Shipping Documents (i. e. bill of lading). The original copy will be needed by the consignee/local counterpart in processing the release of donation. B. From the Donee/Consignee: Letter to the DOH-BIHC requesting endorsement to the FDA for the issuance of clearance. The letter request should be submitted with the complete list of drugs and quantity to be donated, with the following information: brand/generic name, formulation (with English translation), dosage forms/strengths, batch/lot number, expiration date of at least one (1) year upon receipt, and name/address of the manufacturer. Letter to the NEDA and DOF requesting for the issuance of duty-free clearance for the donation Duly notarized Deed of Acceptance Distribution plan for medicines Current and valid DOH License to Operate, if hospital DSWD License to Operate and Certification of Accreditation, if non-government organization and FDA Certificate of Product Registration (for medicines) The donee/consignee in the Philippines may apply for the clearances for the donated items. It is important that the name listed as donee/consignee in the deed of donation must be the same as that appearing in the shipping documents. We suggest that the shipping of any donation to the Philippines should be withheld unless prior coordination with the donee/consignee has been made, and appropriate endorsements/clearances from government agencies have been secured. ISSUANCE OF OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE OEC or exit clearance/pass is a document certifying the regularity of a workers recruitment and documentation and ensures exemption from travel tax and airport terminal fee. It is presented at the POEA Labor Assistance Center (LAC) and the Bureau of Immigration (BI) counter at the airports prior to departure. The OES serves as the workers guarantee that he/she is covered by government protection and benefits. The requirements for the issuance of OEC are as follows: Copy of passport (page showing photo and personal data) Copy of valid work visa, work permit or equivalent document (e. g. Form I-797) Accomplished Balik-Manggagawa Information Sheet and US equivalent of P100 (between US2 and US3, depending on current Php-US exchange rate). OEC issued by POLO is for one-time use only and valid for 60 days. This means that the vacationing OFW should leave the Philippines within 60 days upon the issuance of OEC. OEC may be secured personally at the POLO, Philippine Embassy, 1600 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036 or via mail. If via mail, the OFW should include a self-addressed/stamped return envelope. For security purposes, the payment should be in money order payable to Labor Office. For inquiries, please contact 1-202-467-9425/26 or e-mail wdcpolousagmail . ON-SITE OWWA MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM Membership in Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) is mandatory for all overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). All OWWA members are covered by life insurance and other social benefits implemented by OWWA. The On-Site Membership Program is an enrolment or registration scheme for OFWs who are in the work destinations. It shall cover the following: OFWs whose OWWA membership had expired and OFWs who enroll as first-time members, provided they are gainfully employed overseas at the time of registration. The following are the requirements for OWWA enrolment/registration: Copy of passport (page showing photo and personal data) Proof of employment such as work contract/permit, employment offer, pay slip, certificate of employment from the company/employer, company identification card, and/or other relevant evidence of employment Accomplished Balik-Manggagawa Information Sheet and US25 membership fee. OWWA enrolment/registration may be done personally at the POLO, Philippine Embassy, 1600 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036 or via mail. If via mail, the OFW should include a self-addressed/stamped return envelope. For security purposes, the payment should be in money order payable to OWWA. For inquiries, please contact 1-202-467-9413 or e-mail owwawashingtondcyahoo . EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION The POEA requires the verification of the employment contract of the OFW before he/she is granted an OEC. Contract verification ensures that there is actual existence of job and employer for the OFW and that the provisions in the contract meet the minimum requirements of the POEA and that of the host government. The following are the requirements for contract verification: Approved work permit or visa Employers Information Card. (If the employer in the work permit is an individual, use the Individual Information Card Form. If the work permit is approved under a business, use the Business Information Card Form) Copy of the business license. (If the work permit is approved under business.) Copy of identification of the employer or company representative signing the employment contract (e. g. passport, drivers license, etc.) and Payment of US35 in US Bank Draft or Money Order payable to the Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.) for verification and authentication fee. If the transaction will be done by mail, another US Bank Draft or Money Order should be secured payable to Fedex. The amount shall depend on the Fedex quote to be obtained by the employer/company for shipping the verified and authenticated documents from the Philippine Embassy, 1600 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036 to the point of destination of the documents (either back to the employer or company or directly to the address of the worker in the Philippines). The turn around time for contract verification and authentication is three working days. Employers/company representatives are advised to contact POLO at 1-202-467-9425/26 or e-mail wdcpolousagmail before sending the documents for verification and authentication. POLOs mailing address is Embassy of the Philippines, 1600 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC, 20036 U. S.A. The Embassy/Consulate General conducts regular consular outreach missions to bring its various consular services to Filipinos residing in other states under its jurisdiction. The schedule of the Outreach Program is posted in the homepage of the Embassys/Consulates General website. PASSPORT Renewal of Passport The Philippines has instituted the electronic passport (ePassport) system for all its citizens. The ePassport features microchip technology and a host of other security features thereby ensuring that Philippine passports are virtually tamper-proof. ePassport issuance is also compliant with the security standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The Philippine ePassport has an integrated circuit (chip) within its pages containing data that are essential in verifying the identity of the passport holder. These include the personal biographical information found on the data page of the passport, the biometrics of the passport holder, the unique chip identification number, and a digital signature to verify the authenticity of the data stored on the chip. The chip technology allows the information stored in an ePassport to be read by special chip readers at almost every international port of entry. The Embassy/Consulate General receives and processes applications for ePassports, which in turn is sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila for printing and issuance. Please allow 8 to 12 weeks for the entire process up to release of passport to applicant. The Embassy/Consulate General advises all Philippine passport holders, whose passports are expiring within the next 6 months, to renew their passports if they intend to travel within the aforementioned period. All Filipino citizens applying for passports with the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General will no longer need to submit photographs, as their picture, together with their fingerprints and signature, will be taken on-site. This means that all passport applicants, regardless of age, are henceforth required to appear personally. There is no need for an appointment as applicants are served on a walk-in basis. Duly-accomplished passport application form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink Latest passport One (1) photocopy of each of the data page/s of the passport i. e. pages 1-3 for the brown passport or page 1 for the green passport Photocopy of any valid identification card where the middle name is fully spelled out, such as state ID, drivers license, Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, or Baptismal Certificate, if applicants last passport is the brown one. Proof that applicant has not applied for foreign citizenship, e. g. resident alien card (green card) Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport is to be mailed back. Passport fee of 60.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Passport applicants with manually-scripted passports, machine-readable ready passports (MRRP) and machine-readable passports (MRP) Effective 01 July 2016, pursuant to Department of Foreign Affairs guidelines, all applicants for passport renewal holding manually-scripted passports, machine-readable ready passports (MRRP) and machine-readable passports (MRP), which were issued before March 2010, are required to submit the following: Actual old passport Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)-issued birth certificate, original and photocopy (Copies may be ordered online via ecensus. ph ) and Proof that applicant has not applied for foreign citizenship (i. e. valid green card, valid visa, dual citizenship certificate, etc). Replacement of Lost Passport The Philippines has instituted the electronic passport (ePassport) system for all its citizens. The ePassport features microchip technology and a host of other security features thereby ensuring that Philippine passports are virtually tamper-proof. ePassport issuance is also compliant with the security standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The Philippine ePassport has an integrated circuit (chip) within its pages containing data that are essential in verifying the identity of the passport holder. These include the personal biographical information found on the data page of the passport, the biometrics of the passport holder, the unique chip identification number, and a digital signature to verify the authenticity of the data stored on the chip. The chip technology allows the information stored in an ePassport to be read by special chip readers at almost every international port of entry. The Embassy/Consulate General receives and processes applications for ePassports, which in turn is sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila for printing and issuance. Please allow 8 to 12 weeks for the entire process up to release of passport to applicant. The Embassy/Consulate General advises all Philippine passport holders, whose passports are expiring within the next 6 months, to renew their passports if they intend to travel within the aforementioned period. All Filipino citizens applying for passports with the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General will no longer need to submit photographs, as their picture, together with their fingerprints and signature, will be taken on-site. This means that all passport applicants, regardless of age, are henceforth required to appear personally. There is no need for an appointment as applicants are served on a walk-in basis. Duly-accomplished passport application form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, making sure to fill out the Affidavit of Loss portion on the form Photocopy of a state ID, drivers license, permanent resident alien card, or any other valid photo identification Photocopy of latest Philippine passport that was lost If unable to produce photocopy of latest Philippine passport that was lost, or lost passport was not issued by the Embassy/Consulate General where applicant is applying: Philippine National Census and Statistics Office (NSO) Birth Certificate, for those born 1950 and onwards or Certification of Non-Availability of Birth Record from NSO, for those born before 1950. Applicant may apply for NSO Birth Certificate and Certification of Non-Availability of Birth Record on-line at e-census. ph . Report of Marriage (if marriage was solemnized abroad) or NSO Marriage Certificate (if marriage was solemnized in the Philippines), for married women. Applicant may apply for NSO Marriage Certificate on-line at e-census. ph . Police Report, if lost passport is still valid Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport is to be mailed back. Passport fee of 160.00 if lost passport was a Machine Readable Passport or ePassport 100.00 if lost passport was a Machine Ready Readable Passport or Green Manual Passport. Fees (non-refundable) are payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. A 15-day waiting period, on top of the 8- to 12-week processing period, will be imposed if the lost passport is still valid (unexpired) and if the passport was not issued by the Embassy/Consulate General where applicant is applying for replacement. Passport Renewal for Minors (below 18 years of age) The Philippines has instituted the electronic passport (ePassport) system for all its citizens. The ePassport features microchip technology and a host of other security features thereby ensuring that Philippine passports are virtually tamper-proof. ePassport issuance is also compliant with the security standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The Philippine ePassport has an integrated circuit (chip) within its pages containing data that are essential in verifying the identity of the passport holder. These include the personal biographical information found on the data page of the passport, the biometrics of the passport holder, the unique chip identification number, and a digital signature to verify the authenticity of the data stored on the chip. The chip technology allows the information stored in an ePassport to be read by special chip readers at almost every international port of entry. The Embassy/Consulate General receives and processes applications for ePassports, which in turn is sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila for printing and issuance. Please allow 8 to 12 weeks for the entire process up to release of passport to applicant. The Embassy/Consulate General advises all Philippine passport holders, whose passports are expiring within the next 6 months, to renew their passports if they intend to travel within the aforementioned period. All Filipino citizens applying for passports with the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General will no longer need to submit photographs, as their picture, together with their fingerprints and signature, will be taken on-site. This means that all passport applicants, regardless of age, are henceforth required to appear personally. There is no need for an appointment as applicants are served on a walk-in basis. Duly-accomplished passport application form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, making sure that the Affidavit of Consent to Travel portion in the form is signed by the minors parent/s Latest original passport and one photocopy of data page of passport (original will be returned) Philippine National Statistics Office (NSO) Birth Certificate, if born in the Philippines photocopy of Report of Birth, if born abroad. Applicant may apply for NSO Birth Certificate on-line at e-census. ph . Proof that applicant has not applied for foreign citizenship, e. g. resident alien card (green card) Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport is to be mailed back. Passport fee of 60.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. New Passport (for minors born abroad, applying for the first time) The Philippines has instituted the electronic passport (ePassport) system for all its citizens. The ePassport features microchip technology and a host of other security features thereby ensuring that Philippine passports are virtually tamper-proof. ePassport issuance is also compliant with the security standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The Philippine ePassport has an integrated circuit (chip) within its pages containing data that are essential in verifying the identity of the passport holder. These include the personal biographical information found on the data page of the passport, the biometrics of the passport holder, the unique chip identification number, and a digital signature to verify the authenticity of the data stored on the chip. The chip technology allows the information stored in an ePassport to be read by special chip readers at almost every international port of entry. The Embassy/Consulate General receives and processes applications for ePassports, which in turn is sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila for printing and issuance. Please allow 8 to 12 weeks for the entire process up to release of passport to applicant. The Embassy/Consulate General advises all Philippine passport holders, whose passports are expiring within the next 6 months, to renew their passports if they intend to travel within the aforementioned period. All Filipino citizens applying for passports with the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General will no longer need to submit photographs, as their picture, together with their fingerprints and signature, will be taken on-site. This means that all passport applicants, regardless of age, are henceforth required to appear personally. There is no need for an appointment as applicants are served on a walk-in basis. Duly-accomplished passport application form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink Report of Birth Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport is to be mailed back. Passport fee of 60.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. New Passport (for those who have reacquired Philippine citizenship or for newly-registered Philippine citizens) The Philippines has instituted the electronic passport (ePassport) system for all its citizens. The ePassport features microchip technology and a host of other security features thereby ensuring that Philippine passports are virtually tamper-proof. ePassport issuance is also compliant with the security standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The Philippine ePassport has an integrated circuit (chip) within its pages containing data that are essential in verifying the identity of the passport holder. These include the personal biographical information found on the data page of the passport, the biometrics of the passport holder, the unique chip identification number, and a digital signature to verify the authenticity of the data stored on the chip. The chip technology allows the information stored in an ePassport to be read by special chip readers at almost every international port of entry. The Embassy/Consulate General receives and processes applications for ePassports, which in turn is sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila for printing and issuance. Please allow 8 to 12 weeks for the entire process up to release of passport to applicant. The Embassy/Consulate General advises all Philippine passport holders, whose passports are expiring within the next 6 months, to renew their passports if they intend to travel within the aforementioned period. All Filipino citizens applying for passports with the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General will no longer need to submit photographs, as their picture, together with their fingerprints and signature, will be taken on-site. This means that all passport applicants, regardless of age, are henceforth required to appear personally. There is no need for an appointment as applicants are served on a walk-in basis. Duly-accomplished passport application form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink Original and one (1) photocopy of the Identification Certificate for Dual Citizenship (original will be returned) Latest original passport and one photocopy of data page of passport (original will be returned) If unable to produce photocopy of latest Philippine passport that was lost, or lost passport was not issued by the Embassy/Consulate General where applicant is applying: Philippine National Census and Statistics Office (NSO) Birth Certificate, for those born 1950 and onwards or Certification of Non-Availability of Birth Record from NSO, for those born before 1950. Applicant may apply for NSO Birth Certificate and Certification of Non-Availability of Birth Record on-line at e-census. ph . Report of Birth, if no old Philippine passport is available, and applicant was born abroad Report of Marriage (if marriage was solemnized abroad) or NSO Marriage Certificate (if marriage was solemnized in the Philippines), for married women. Applicant may apply for NSO Marriage Certificate on-line at e-census. ph . Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport is to be mailed back. Passport fee of 60.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. New Passport due to Change in Name The Philippines has instituted the electronic passport (ePassport) system for all its citizens. The ePassport features microchip technology and a host of other security features thereby ensuring that Philippine passports are virtually tamper-proof. ePassport issuance is also compliant with the security standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The Philippine ePassport has an integrated circuit (chip) within its pages containing data that are essential in verifying the identity of the passport holder. These include the personal biographical information found on the data page of the passport, the biometrics of the passport holder, the unique chip identification number, and a digital signature to verify the authenticity of the data stored on the chip. The chip technology allows the information stored in an ePassport to be read by special chip readers at almost every international port of entry. The Embassy/Consulate General receives and processes applications for ePassports, which in turn is sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila for printing and issuance. Please allow 8 to 12 weeks for the entire process up to release of passport to applicant. The Embassy/Consulate General advises all Philippine passport holders, whose passports are expiring within the next 6 months, to renew their passports if they intend to travel within the aforementioned period. All Filipino citizens applying for passports with the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General will no longer need to submit photographs, as their picture, together with their fingerprints and signature, will be taken on-site. This means that all passport applicants, regardless of age, are henceforth required to appear personally. There is no need for an appointment as applicants are served on a walk-in basis. Under Philippine laws, a persons legal name may be amended through the following: Change of name due to marriage Change of surname of a legitimated child by virtue of a subsequent marriage of parents Change of name due to adoption Change of name due to death of spouse or annulment of marriage Change of name due to divorce (valid only for those Filipinos who did not act as Plaintiff in the divorce proceedings, i. e. the Filipino spouse did not initiate the divorce proceedings not valid for couples who were both Filipinos at the time of the marriage) Change of name as duly ordered by Philippine courts or the Civil Registrar General GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (to be submitted along with other requirements specific to case): Duly-accomplished passport application form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink Latest original passport and one photocopy of data page of passport (original will be returned) Proof that applicant has not applied for foreign citizenship, e. g. resident alien card Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport is to be mailed back. Passport fee of 60.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. REQUIREMENTS for change of name due to marriage: NSO-certified original copy and one (1) photocopy of marriage certificate, if marriage was solemnized in the Philippines (original will be returned). Applicant may apply for NSO Marriage Certificate on-line at e-census. ph . Original and one (1) photocopy of marriage certificate (original will be returned) and duly-accomplished Report of Marriage Contracted Abroad form (please refer to Report of Marriage requirements in the List of Consular Services), if marriage was solemnized abroad REQUIREMENTS for change of name due to death of husband, divorce, annulled marriages: Authenticated death certificate of husband, or authenticated court order of presumptive death, for widowed applicants NSO Marriage Contract, with annotation reflecting the annulment of marriage, for annulled marriages. Applicant may apply for NSO Marriage Certificate on-line at e-census. ph . Original and one (1) photocopy of Divorce Decree (original to be returned), for divorced applicants (allowed only in cases where the Filipino spouse did not act as the plaintiff not allowed when both parties were Filipino citizens at the time of the marriage) Note: If the Filipino spouse acted as plaintiff, and has since remarried and assumed her second or succeeding spouses surname, the Embassy/Consulate General may issue a Certificate of One and the Same Person, indicating both of the names used by the applicant and an explanation of why the new passport cannot reflect her current married name. REQUIREMENT for change of name due to legitimation upon subsequent marriage of parents, or as ordered by Philippine courts or by the Civil Registrar General: NSO Birth Certificate with annotation reflecting the change of name due to legitimation. Applicant may apply for NSO Birth Certificate on-line at e-census. ph . REQUIREMENT for change of name due to adoption NSO Birth Certificate, reflecting the adoptive surname. Applicant may apply for NSO Birth Certificate on-line at e-census. ph . Changes in name allowed under Republic Act 9048: Republic Act (RA) 9048 authorizes the city or municipal civil registrar or the consul general to make the following changes in name, without the need of a judicial order: correction of clerical or typographical errors in any entry in civil registry documents, except corrections involving the change in sex, age, nationality and civil status of a person change of a persons first name in his/her civil registry document under certain grounds specified under the law through administrative process NSO Birth Certificate with annotation reflecting change of entry. Applicant may apply for NSO Birth Certificate on-line at e-census. ph . TRAVEL DOCUMENT A travel document is a certification or identifying document containing the description and other personal circumstances of the bearer, which is issued in lieu of a passport and valid for one-way, direct travel to the Philippines. A travel document is issued to a Filipino citizen being sent back to the Philippines or who needs to urgently travel home but is unable to fully comply with the requirements for the issuance of a regular passport, at the time of emergency. Proof of urgency/emergency is needed. Duly-accomplished travel document application form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, and notarized if application is sent by mail Expired Philippine Passport Philippine National Statistics Office (NSO) Birth Certificate, if the passport is lost or the expired passport is the brown one. Applicant may apply for NSO Birth Certificate on-line at e-census. ph . Affidavit of Loss, duly notarized by a local notary public, if application is sent by mail Four (4) colored photos, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Travel Document is to be mailed back. Processing fee of 30.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. AUTHENTICATION/ACKNOWLEDGMENT Any legal document issued in the U. S. must first be acknowledged or authenticated (consularized) by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General in order for that document to have any legal validity in the Philippines. Please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S. Each consularized document will bear the seal of the Embassy/Consulate General and the signature of the authenticating officer. The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General does not assume responsibility for the contents of the document. PROCEDURE AND REQUIREMENTS for private documents, such as Special Power of Attorney, General Power of Attorney, Affidavit, Certification, Deed of Donation, Deed of Sale, Extra-judicial Settlement of Estate, etc: 1. Covering letter (handwritten or typed), addressed to the Consular Section, indicating service/transaction requested and complete contact details (telephone number, postal address, email address). 2. Original and one (1) photocopy of document and all enclosures. Document/s should be signed by the signatories/affiants before a Consular Officer. 3. Original and one (1) photocopy of a valid passport or government-issued identification card (original will be returned) 4. If sent by mail: Documents must be notarized by a Notary Public and Signature of the Notary Public must be authenticated by the Secretary of State where the Notary Public is registered (for applicants coming from states in the U. S. Southeast Region, please refer to the directory below of authenticating officers of the Secretaries of States). Directory of the Offices of the Secretaries of States in the U. S. Southeast Region Office of the Secretary of State For documents issued in U. S. territories (outside of the U. S.), which are under the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, document must be authenticated by the appropriate government offices, such as Office of the Governor, Foreign Affairs Office, etc. (please refer to the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the territories under the jurisdiction of the Embassy). 5. Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if document is to be mailed back. 6. Processing fee of 25.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. 7. For applicants residing in U. S. territories or other countries within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, applicants should enclose a treasurers, managers or certified check issued by a local bank that has a corresponding bank in the U. S. (the US National Bank Association is not a correspondent bank), payable to the courier of choice, in U. S. dollars, to cover cost of mailing, and a corresponding self-addressed couriers address label. Personal checks are not accepted. For applicants who prefer to use Fedex, please make sure that the account number of the applicant/recipient is indicated in the airway bill as proof of payment. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. PROCEDURE AND REQUIREMENTS for U. S. Government-issued documents, such as Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decree, etc. and those issued by private institutions, such as Transcript of Records, Medical Records, Licenses, Certificates of Training, etc. 1. Covering letter (handwritten or typed), addressed to the Consular Section, indicating service/transaction requested and complete contact details (telephone number, postal address, email address). 2. Original and one (1) photocopy of document and all enclosures issued by the government agency/private institution 3. Document must be authenticated by the Secretary of State which has jurisdiction over the issuing government agency or the place where the private institution is located (please refer to the directory of authenticating officers of the Secretaries of States). 4. For documents issued in U. S. territories (outside of the U. S.), which are under the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, document must be authenticated by the appropriate government offices, such as Office of the Governor, Foreign Affairs Office, etc. (please refer to the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the territories under the jurisdiction of the Embassy). 5. Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if document is to be mailed back. 6. Processing fee of 25.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. 7. For applicants residing in U. S. territories or other countries within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, applicants should enclose a treasurers, managers or certified check issued by a local bank that has a corresponding bank in the U. S. (the US National Bank Association is not a correspondent bank), payable to the courier of choice, in U. S. dollars, to cover cost of mailing, and a corresponding self-addressed couriers address label. Personal checks are not accepted. For applicants who prefer to use Fedex, please make sure that the account number of the applicant/recipient is indicated in the airway bill as proof of payment. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. PROCEDURE AND REQUIREMENTS for business-related documents, such as Trademark, Patent Application, Oath of Corporate Secretaries/Offices, Appointment of Resident Agent, Affidavit of Use/Non-Use, Assignment of Letters of Patent, etc. 1. Covering letter (handwritten or typed), addressed to the Consular Section, indicating service/transaction requested and complete contact details (telephone number, postal address, email address). 2. Original and one (1) photocopy of document and all enclosures 3. Document must be authenticated by the Secretary of State which has jurisdiction over the place where the issuing office is located (please refer to the directory of authenticating officers of the Secretaries of States). 4. Document must then be authenticated by the U. S. Department of State. 5. For documents issued in U. S. territories (outside of the U. S.), which are under the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, document must be authenticated by the appropriate government offices, such as Office of the Governor, Foreign Affairs Office, etc. (please refer to the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the territories under the jurisdiction of the Embassy). 6. Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if document is to be mailed back. 7. Processing fee of 25.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. 8. For applicants residing in U. S. territories or other countries within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, applicants should enclose a treasurers, managers or certified check issued by a local bank that has a corresponding bank in the U. S. (the US National Bank Association is not a correspondent bank), payable to the courier of choice, in U. S. dollars, to cover cost of mailing, and a corresponding self-addressed couriers address label. Personal checks are not accepted. For applicants who prefer to use Fedex, please make sure that the account number of the applicant/recipient is indicated in the airway bill as proof of payment. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. The Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco allows the direct authentication of U. S. state, county and other official documents (i. e. country or state-issued documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, certificates of no police record, court documents, official school transcript of records and other similar documents do not need to be notarized). CIVIL REGISTRY Solemnization of Marriage Consular Officers are authorized to solemnize marriages between two Filipinos of the states under the jurisdiction of the Embassy/Consulate General. Please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S. In view of the infrequency of need for this service, applicants for solemnization of marriage are advised to just call the Embassy/Consulate General concerned for the requirements. Report of Marriage between Filipinos or a Filipino and a Foreign National The marriage of a Filipino should be reported to and registered with the Philippine National Statistics Office through the Embassy/Consulate General having jurisdiction over the locality where the event took place. Please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S. Four (4) original duly-accomplished Report of Marriage Contracted Abroad form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, signed by both husband and wife. Wives should indicate their maiden name as the last name. If submitting by mail, the completed forms must be notarized. Covering letter (handwritten or typed), addressed to the Consular Section, indicating service/transaction requested and telephone number or email address for contact details One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of the Marriage Record (original will be returned) One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of the Marriage Certificate or Contract (original will be returned) Four (4) photocopies of a government-issued identification card or passport of both husband and wife Four (4) photocopies of Philippine birth certificate of Filipino spouse Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Report of Marriage is to be mailed back. Processing fee of 25.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. For applicants residing in U. S. territories or other countries within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, applicants should enclose a treasurers, managers or certified check issued by a local bank that has a corresponding bank in the U. S. (the US National Bank Association is not a correspondent bank), payable to the courier of choice, in U. S. dollars, to cover cost of mailing, and a corresponding self-addressed couriers address label. Personal checks are not accepted. For applicants who prefer to use Fedex, please make sure that the account number of the applicant/recipient is indicated in the airway bill as proof of payment. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. A. IF FILIPINO SPOUSE WAS PREVIOUSLY MARRIED AND DIVORCED, OR PREVIOUSLY MARRIED AND MARRIAGE WAS SUBSEQUENTLY ANNULLED One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of the Judicial Decree of Divorce or Annulment (original will be returned) Note: Article 26 of the Family Code of the Philippines or Executive Order No. 209 (as amended by E. O. No. 227, promulgated on 27 July 1987) provides that: All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines, in accordance with the laws in force in the country where they were solemnized, and valid there as such, shall also be valid in this country, except those prohibited under Articles 35, 37 and 38. Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner is validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have capacity to remarry under Philippine law (underlining and highlighting supplied.) B. IF THE FILIPINO SPOUSE IS A WIDOW / WIDOWER One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of Death Certificate of deceased spouse (original will be returned) C. OTHER REQUIREMENTS The Consular Officer reserves the right to require additional proof or documents from an applicant, to prove his/her citizenship or identity pursuant to the Philippine Passport Law (R. A. 8239) and the Foreign Service Act. (R. A. 7157) Report of Birth of Child Born Abroad of Filipino Parents The birth of a Filipino should be reported to and registered with the Philippine National Statistics Office through the Embassy/Consulate General having jurisdiction over the locality where the event took place. Please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S. Four (4) original duly-accomplished Report of Birth application forms, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, with the portion for witnesses duly-filled out when applying by mail. Forms should be notarized if submitting by mail. For applicants with more than one given name, please indicate all names under Childs First Name and the mothers maiden name for Childs Middle Name. Covering letter (handwritten or typed), addressed to the Consular Section, indicating service/transaction requested and telephone number or email address for contact details One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of Birth Certificate (original will be returned) One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of Marriage Certificate of the parents (original will be returned) Notarized Affidavit of Acknowledgment of the Paternity and Permission to Use Fathers Surname, executed by the father, if parents are not married and the fathers surname is being used by the child One (1) original or certified true copy and four (4) photocopies of proof of Philippine citizenship of either parent at time of birth of the child, such as Philippine passport (original will be returned), and photocopies of alien registration card, for green card holders. If only one parent is a Filipino at the time of childs birth, the non-Filipino parent must submit four (4) photocopies of a government-issued identification card or passport. For parents who are dual citizens, four (4) photocopies of Order of Approval or Petition for Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship, indicating the name of the child as a minor-beneficiary of the parents re-acquisition of Philippine citizenship. If applicable, four (4) photocopies of U. S. Naturalization Certificate of parent(s). Notarized affidavit explaining the reasons for delayed registration, if Report of Birth is filed more than a year after the child is born Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Report of Birth is to be mailed back. Processing fee of 25.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. For applicants residing in U. S. territories or other countries within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, applicants should enclose a treasurers, managers or certified check issued by a local bank that has a corresponding bank in the U. S. (the US National Bank Association is not a correspondent bank), payable to the courier of choice, in U. S. dollars, to cover cost of mailing, and a corresponding self-addressed couriers address label. Personal checks are not accepted. For applicants who prefer to use Fedex, please make sure that the account number of the applicant/recipient is indicated in the airway bill as proof of payment. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. The Consular Officer may require additional proof or documents from applicant to determine the childs citizenship, identity, or eligibility for registration of birth under Philippine laws. Report of Death and/or Consular Mortuary Certificate The death of a Filipino should be reported to and registered with the Philippine National Statistics Office through the Embassy/Consulate General having jurisdiction over the locality where the event took place. Please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S. Consular. Mortuary Certificates are issued when remains or the cremated remains of a deceased (Filipino or foreigner) are to be transported to the Philippines. One (1) original copy of the duly-accomplished Report of Death application form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, signed by the representative (if deceased is a Filipino citizen) . Form should be notarized if submitting by mail. One (1) original copy and (5) photocopies of the Certificate of Death issued by the State Department of Health One (1) original and five (5) photocopies of notarized certificate issued by the Mortuary Director that the body was properly embalmed or cremated, and that the casket contains only the body of the deceased (for human remains only) One (1) original and five (5) photocopies of the Certificate of Cremation issued by the Crematory (for cremated remains only) One (1) original and five (5) photocopies of the Certificate of No Contagious Disease issued by the State Department of Health (for human remains only) One (1) original and five (5) photocopies of the Burial Transit Permit (for human remains only) Six (6) copies of the Itinerary, to include full flight details and mode of transportation Name, address, and contact number of the receiving funeral parlor in the Philippines (for human remains only) Six (6) photocopies of the deceaseds identification card or passport Six (6) photocopies of identification documents (passport, drivers license, etc.) of the person who will travel with the urn (for cremated remains only) Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Consular Mortuary Certificate is to be mailed back. Processing fee in the amount of fifty dollars (50.00), if Filipino, and 25.00 if US citizen. payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Payments are non-refundable. For applicants residing in U. S. territories or other countries within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Embassy, applicants should enclose a treasurers, managers or certified check issued by a local bank that has a corresponding bank in the U. S. (the US National Bank Association is not a correspondent bank), payable to the courier of choice, in U. S. dollars, to cover cost of mailing, and a corresponding self-addressed couriers address label. Personal checks are not accepted. For applicants who prefer to use Fedex, please make sure that the account number of the applicant/recipient is indicated in the airway bill as proof of payment. If deceased is no longer a Filipino citizen, reduce the number of photocopies by two (2) for requirements 2 - 10. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. DUAL CITIZENSHIP Republic Act 9225 otherwise known as the Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003 (more popularly known as the Dual Citizenship Law) enables former natural-born Filipinos who have become naturalized citizens of another country to reacquire/retain their Philippine citizenship by taking an oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines before a Philippine Consular Officer. Upon reacquiring their Philippine citizenship, they shall enjoy full civil, economic and political rights as Filipinos. Under the principle of derivative citizenship, unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of age, whether legitimate, illegitimate, or adopted, of former Filipino parents who reacquired their Philippine citizenship under this law, may also be deemed Filipino citizens, if they are included in the parents application for reacquisition of Philippine citizenship. However, there is another kind of dual citizenship, which is not covered by the law. This pertains to a dual citizen by birth: A child born in the United States when either parent was still a Filipino citizen is considered to be a dual citizen from birth (if born on or after January 17, 1973) . Dual citizens who wish to apply for a Philippine passport will need to make a separate application and submit the requirements as specified in passport for dual or newly-registered PH citizens link on the left. Application for reacquisition of Philippine citizenship Submit the original and one duplicate copy of the following required documents to apply for reacquisition of Philippine citizenship: One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of the duly-accomplished Dual Citizenship application form, typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink Copy of Philippine Birth Certificate (original to be presented before the oath taking, when applying by mail) Copies of Philippine and U. S. Passports (originals to be presented before the oath taking, when applying by mail) Copy of Marriage Certificate/Contract, for married women (original to be presented before the oath taking, when applying by mail) Copy of U. S. Naturalization Certificate (original to be presented before the oath taking, when applying by mail) Four (4) colored photos, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Processing fee of 50.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted . Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS for Derivative Citizenship Ensure that the appropriate portions on page 2 of the Dual Citizenship application form are filled up Duplicate original or certified photocopy of the birth certificate of the children and their non-Philippine passport Three (3) identical colored photos, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Processing fee of 25.00 (non-refundable), per derivative child, payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted . The applicant will be informed of the date for the oath taking before a Consular Officer at the Embassy/Consulate General. Prior to taking his/her oath, the applicant will be required to sign the Oath of Allegiance prepared by the Embassy/Consulate General. The applicant will receive his/her original copy of the notarized oath of allegiance, together with the Order of Approval, Petition for Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship and Identification Certificate issued by the Embassy/Consulate General, after the oath has been administered. If the applicant is a Bureau of Immigration registered alien, he shall surrender the original ACR and ICR/CRTV, or in its absence, an affidavit explaining the loss of said documents for transmittal to the BI. Applicants scheduled for oath-taking are requested to come dressed in at least decent casual attire, which does not include sleeveless shirts (for men), tank top, spaghetti strapped or mid-riff blouses (for women), shorts of any kind, and slippers. Rights and privileges Once you reacquire/retain your Philippine citizenship, you will again enjoy full civil, economic and political rights under existing Philippine laws. Among these rights are: The right to travel with a Philippine passport. The right to own real property in the Philippines. The right to engage in business and commerce as a Filipino, and The right to practice ones profession, provided that a license or permit to engage in such practice is obtained from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), or the Supreme Court in the case of lawyers. You may also vote in Philippine national elections (for President, Vice President, Senators and sectoral representatives) by overseas/absentee ballot in accordance with the provisions of the Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003. You will enjoy all other rights and privileges enjoyed by Filipino citizens. Implication on taxes Under the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program of 1997, incomes earned abroad by Filipinos from 1998 onwards are no longer taxable. Hence, all Filipinos abroad, including those who have reacquired their Philippine citizenship, have been exempted by the Philippine Government from paying Philippine income tax on incomes earned abroad. Incomes earned in the Philippines, however, will be subject to Philippine income tax. Travel Tax exemption is being granted to dual citizens departing the Philippines and returning to the United States whose arrival is stamped on the Philippine passport and whose stay does not exceed one (1) year, the same privilege accorded to Filipino permanent residents abroad . For this purpose, a Travel Tax Exemption Certificate (TIEZA Form 354) is issued upon presentation of both the Philippine and U. S. passports. Processing fee of Php 200.00 is collected for every certificate issued. Those whose arrival is stamped on the U. S. passport need not secure the exemption certificate for they are not covered by the Travel Tax pursuant to Section 1 of PD 1183 as amended. Provided that their immigration status in the Philippines is as temporary visitors and not as permanent resident. Dual citizens whose stay in the Philippines exceed one (1) year will pay the travel tax irrespective of which passport they are using for travel. Residency requirement Residency in the Philippines is NOT a requirement for those who reacquire Philippine citizenship. Visa requirement for foreign spouse and/or children when traveling to the Philippines As long as the foreign spouse and children travel with the Balikbayan . they will be entitled to a visa-free entry to the Philippines for a period of one (1) year. Note: Documents submitted which are in a foreign language must have an official English translation. VISA Nationals of a number of countries with which the Philippines maintains diplomatic relations, including the United States, may avail themselves of visa-free entry into the Philippines, provided their stay will not exceed 30 days. Please contact the Philippine Embassy/Consulate General for information on which countries are extended this privilege. US citizens who wish to stay more than 30 days in the Philippines and nationals of countries who are not extended the 30-day visa free privilege should apply for a visa before traveling to the Philippines. Returning Balikbayans or former Filipinos may also enter the Philippines without a visa and stay for a period of one (1) year, provided that they have a passport valid for 6 months beyond the intended stay in the Philippines, a roundtrip ticket, and proof of former Philippine citizenship (e. g. old Philippine passport or NSO-authenticated birth certificate). Foreign spouses and their minor children may avail themselves of this privilege if traveling with the Balikbayan . Non-immigrant Visa Of the above, the most frequently-applied for visa at the Embassy are the 9(a) Temporary Visitors Visa, 9(c) Seamans Visa, and the 9(e) Foreign Government Official Visa. For inquiries regarding the other non-immigrant visa types, applicants may call the Embassy/Consulate General concerned. Please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S. Applicants may check the Philippine Bureau of Immigration website to check if they need to apply for a visa. 9(A) Temporary Visitors Visa Passport of applicant (valid at least 6 months from return date) Duly-accomplished Non-Immigrant Visa application form. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, and notarized if sent by mail Travel Itinerary (applicant must be a holder of a roundtrip/onward flight ticket out of Manila) One (1) colored photo, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Proof of Financial Capacity (photocopy of latest bank statement and an employment certificate from the employer indicating position and salary, or affidavit of support), for Tourist Visa (for pleasure only). Letter from employer or sponsor of the trip, indicating its specific purpose or nature and length of stay (inclusive dates) in the Philippines, for Tourist Visa (for business only). For minor visa applicants (below 18) traveling on their own, affidavit of support and guarantee from either parent, as well as photocopy of parents bank statement. Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee, according to fee schedule below (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. For nationals of countries with visa agreement with the Philippines: Single entry valid for three (3) months US 30.00 Multiple entry valid for six (6) months US 60.00 Multiple-entry valid for twelve (12) months US 90.00 For nationals of countries without visa agreement with the Philippines: Single entry valid for three (3) months US 40.00 Multiple entry valid for six (6) months US 80.00 Multiple-entry valid for twelve (12) months US 120.00 Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Waiver of Exclusion Ground (WEG) for Certain Minors As a rule, minors, who are under 15 years of age and unaccompanied by or not traveling with a parent to the Philippines, are generally excluded from entering the Philippine ports of entry. To avoid exclusion before arrival at Philippine ports, the minors parent/s or guardian needs to submit an Affidavit of Request, Consent and Guarantee for the Issuance of Waiver of Exclusion Ground, duly-authenticated/acknowledged by the Embassy/Consulate General, to the Bureau of Immigration authorities at the port of entry and pay the waiver fee of P3,120.00 for each unaccompanied minor. To have the Affidavit of Request, Consent and Guarantee duly-authenticated/acknowledged by the Embassy/Consulate General, please refer to the procedures and requirements for private documents under the Authentication/Acknowledgment link. In addition to the requirements enumerated, please include a copy of the Report of Birth of child, if born abroad, or a copy of the NSO Birth Certificate, if born in the Philippines, or a copy of the Birth Certificate issued by the Department of Health or the Office of Vital Statistics, if born in the U. S. (originals to be presented), as well as a photocopy of the data page of the passport of the child. For US citizens and citizens of countries with 30-day visa free privileges who intend to stay longer than 30 days, please see requirements for 9(A) Temporary Visitors Visa. Except for 6, all visa requirements apply. Proof of financial capacity will be the burden of the parent/s or guardian and not the child. Passport of applicant (valid at least 6 months from return date) Duly-accomplished Non-Immigrant Visa application form. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, and notarized if sent by mail Travel Itinerary (roundtrip ticket not necessary) One (1) colored photo, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Letter from Shipping Company Crew List Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee of 20.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. 9(E) Foreign Government Officials Holders of diplomatic and official U. S. passports who will be traveling to the Philippines on official business for a stay not exceeding 30 days no longer need to apply for a diplomatic or official visa with the Philippine Embassy. However, U. S. government officials must possess passports that are valid for at least six months beyond the contemplated period of stay in the Philippines and a return ticket to the U. S. or to their next country of destination. Passport of applicant (valid at least 6 months from return date) Duly-accomplished Non-Immigrant Visa application form. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, and notarized if sent by mail One (1) colored photo, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Letter from US government agency requesting issuance of visa or Note Verbale from US State Department Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee gratis Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Special Non-Immigrant 47(A) (2) visa Passport of applicant (valid at least 6 months from return date) Two copies of duly-accomplished Non-Immigrant Visa application forms. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink, and notarized if sent by mail Four (4) colored photos, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Letter from Foundation or Institute stating that the applicant is connected with such program, which is approved by the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs Two (2) copies of the Medical Examination Report (FA Form No. 11) duly-accomplished by a licensed physician whose signature must be notarized, and which should not be more than six (6) months from date of application Chest X-ray negative, standard size, to be presented to the Embassy and hand carried to the Philippines Certificate of No Police Record from place of residence of applicant (original and one photocopy) Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee gratis Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Immigrant Visa A non-quota immigrant visa may be granted to the spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age of Philippine citizens (13A) and to former Filipinos who have already acquired foreign citizenships including their spouse and unmarried minor children (13G). 13A and 13 G visa holders are eligible to apply for duty-free shipment to the Philippines. Processing time for 13A and G visas is two (2) weeks after complete submission of requirements. Passport of applicant (valid at least 1 year from date of application). One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of the duly-accomplished Immigrant Visa application form. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink Four (4) identical colored photos, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of documentary evidence to prove spouses Philippine citizenship and to show applicants relationship to the Philippine citizen, i. e. Philippine passport and marriage contract (original will be returned). NSO Marriage Certificate must be presented if Report of Marriage is not available. Medical Examination Report. duly-accomplished by a licensed physician, which should include his contact details, and which should not be more than six (6) months from date of application, together with laboratory reports (original and one photocopy). Chest X-ray, negative, standard size, or in CD (preferable), to be presented to the Embassy and hand carried to the Philippines. Certificate of No Police Record from place of residence of applicant (original and one photocopy) One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of evidence of sound financial status (e. g. proof of real property, investment/s, bank certification, pension, or notarized Affidavit of Support from a relative in the Philippines, with attached documents to substantiate declaration or claim) Personal appearance for interview Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee of 150.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Passport of applicant (valid at least 1 year from date of application). Photocopy of Certificate of Naturalization (original to be presented) One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of the duly-accomplished Immigrant Visa application form. typed or printed legibly in black or blue ink Four (4) identical colored photos, 2 x 2, taken within six months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. One (1) original and one (1) photocopy of documentary evidence to prove applicants former Philippine citizenship, as well as proof of legal relationship for foreign spouse and minor children, such as, birth certificate, Philippine passport, marriage contract (original will be returned) Medical Examination Report. duly-accomplished by a licensed physician, which should include his contact details, and which should not be more than six (6) months from date of application, together with laboratory reports (original and one photocopy). Chest X-ray, negative, standard size, or in CD (preferable), to be presented to the Embassy and hand carried to the Philippines. Certificate of No Police Record from place of residence of applicant (original and one photocopy) Personal appearance for interview Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if Passport with Visa is to be mailed back. Visa fee of 150.00 (non-refundable), payable in cash or money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.). Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Certificate of Not the Same Person According to the Philippine Bureau of Immigration: Not the Same Person is a document issued to an individual attesting to the fact that s/he is not the person listed and/or included in the Hold Departure Order of the Bureau of Immigration, Watch List Order or Blacklist Order. The requirements under visa issuance, visa extension, student desk, ACR I-card Application Form duly, accomplished (VCU Form 2, available at immigration. gov. ph ) Photocopy of General Application Form, duly accomplished (BI Form No. RADJR 2012 from PIA) Affidavit of Denial, duly notarized Photocopy of the applicants passport (data page and travel stamp page) One 2x2 ID picture If applied by a representative, photocopy of valid ID Walk-in Applicant (Airport Problems Excluded / Offloaded Passenger / DFA Derogatory) Application Form, duly accomplished (VCU Form 2, available at immigration. gov. ph ) Court Clearance (cases within Metro Manila) NBI Clearance (cases outside Metro Manila) If either clearances No. 2 and 3 are not available, submit old certificate of Not the Same Person (if there is no additional names listed in the Derogatory records) Affidavit of Denial, duly notarized Photocopy of the applicants passport (data page and travel stamp page) If applied by a representative, photocopy of valid ID Out of the Country Applicant (former Filipino/Foreign National) Application Form, duly accomplished Download a Not the same person application form from the Bureaus website at immigration. gov. ph or email the Bureau at xinfoimmigration. gov. ph to request an application form Special Power of Attorney, duly notarized by the Philippine Embassy Photocopy of the applicants passport (data page and travel stamp page) Philippine National Bureau of Investigation Clearance, certifying that the applicant is not the person who is in the Derogatory List Photocopy of representatives valid ID Balikbayan Program Under the Balikbayan Program of the Philippines, the following persons are considered Balikbayans: a Filipino citizen who has been continuously out of the Philippines for a period of at least one year from the date of last departure a Filipino Overseas Worker and a former Filipino citizen who had been naturalized in a foreign country and holds a foreign passport (original proof of former Philippine citizenship, such as old Philippine passport, birth certificate, or foreign naturalization papers showing Filipino nationality will be required). Balikbayans are entitled to the following benefits: travel tax exemption visa-free entry to the Philippines for a period of one year from the date of arrival in the Philippines duty-free shopping privileges up to US1,500.00 Family members (spouse and children) of a Balikbayan who are holding foreign passports are also entitled to Balikbayan privileges, on the condition that they: travel with the Balikbayan pay any applicable immigration fees and observe and comply with immigration rules and regulations. (proof of affiliation may be required) However, a Balikbayan who has acquired the citizenship of a country that falls under the visa-required nationals category per Philippine visa regulations, or his/her family member whose nationality also falls under the cited category, is not entitled to a Balikbayan privilege and is required to obtain an entry visa to the Philippines. TRANSPORT OF PETS Import permit obtained from the Philippine Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) This can be obtained online via the Application for Import of Pets form. Processing time can take one to three working days. For further questions, email baiquarantinephgmail Health certificate issued by US authority and authenticated by Philippine Embassy or Consulate. Secure a health certificate for each pet from a duly licensed veterinarian or from the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The health certificate should be dated within 30 days before the date of arrival in the Philippines. The health certificate should certify that the animal is free from, and has not been recently exposed to, any dangerous or communicable disease, and that it has been given anti-rabies and other required inoculations. Submit the health certificate/s for authentication to the Philippine Embassy/Consulate (please check the consulate finder or the consulates link in the Embassy website for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates in the U. S.). Enclose self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if authenticated health certificate is to be mailed back to sender. Enclose authentication fee of 25 (non-refundable) on money order made payable to Embassy of the Philippines. Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Notes: Embassy/Consulate processing time is one (1) day. The Philippine Embassy/Consulate assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. Requirements above (i. e. the import permit from BAI and authenticated health certificate) must be presented at the Philippine airport upon the arrival of the pet. (Failure to present the requirements may result in pet/s being quarantined upon arrival) NATIONAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (NBI) CLEARANCE (from nbi. gov. ph ) REQUIREMENTS (for first-time applicants living/working abroad): Secure a Fingerprint Card form from the Embassy (Office of the Police Attache)/Consulate and fill it up. For married women, please write your name in the following order: maiden surname (fathers surname), husbands surname, first or given name, and maternal surname (mothers family name). Attach a colored 2 x 2 photograph, taken within three months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Proceed to the police agency in your locality to have your fingerprints impressed (ROLLED IMPRESSION) on the appropriate spaces. The officer /person who fingerprinted you should sign his name and state his official designation on the space provided for the purpose on the card. Have the Fingerprint Card form authenticated by the Secretary of State with jurisdiction over the police agency. Present/Mail the Fingerprint Card for authentication by the Embassy/Consulate General. (please check the Consulate Finder or the Consulates Link for the states covered by the Embassy/Consulates General in the U. S.). Self-addressed return envelope, with appropriate stamps for express or priority mail with tracking numbers via US Postal Service, or with pre-paid mailing envelope from private courier of choice, if authenticated Fingerprint Card is to be mailed back. Authentication fee of 25 (non-refundable), payable in money order, bank draft, certified check or cashiers check, and cash when personally applying. Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted. Send authenticated Fingerprint Card to the NBI for issuance of clearance (please refer to sending instructions below). Note: The Philippine Embassy/Consulate General assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss in the mail, or while the documents are in the custody of the courier service. The applicant should note the tracking numbers of all envelopes used and submitted. By Mail - Enclose Money Order in the amount of Php 200.00 or bank draft, which is negotiable in the Philippines, payable to the Director, National Bureau of Investigation, Taft Avenue, Ermita 1000 Manila, Philippines. The following are the accredited banks: Philippine National Bank (PNB) Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Co. (HSBC) ANZ A New Zealand Bank METROBANK Bank of Philippine Islands (BPI) Mr. Francisco Donozo Attn: Identification and Records Division - Mailed Clearance Section National Bureau of Investigation Taft Ave. Ermita 1000 Manila Philippines Through a Representative in the Philippines Mail the accomplished form to your representative, along with a signed letter authorizing him/her to transact business on your behalf. Your relative may visit the office of the Electronic Data Processing Division (EDPD) in NBI Taft Avenue, Manila for further assistance. Upon receipt of your clearance certificate, please examine it for the presence of the embossed NBI DRY SEAL at its lower left portion. The clearance is invalid without it. You must also affix your clear and properly taken THUMBPRINT on the space provided for on the clearance certificate with the assistance of any local police in your area before submitting it to the end-user. REQUIREMENTS (for applicants living/working abroad renewing their NBI clearance, issued from 1998 onwards): Original NBI clearance, with updated information for address and purpose of clearance indicated otherwise, write Same Data, if none For changes in name, date of birth or place of birth, duly-accomplished Fingerprint Card form, with photocopy of Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate One (1) colored photo, 2 x 2, taken within three months before the date of application, showing a clear front view of applicants face, with a white background. No sleeveless attire. Blurred or low quality photos are not accepted. Photocopy of your passport with date stamped proving your presence abroad Send all of the above documents to the NBI, following the same SENDING instructions. Note: If NBI clearance was issued prior to 1998, or you have lost your personal copy of the certificate, follow the instructions for First Time applicants from abroad. RENEWAL OF PHILIPPINE DRIVERS LICENSE In accordance with Land Transportation Office (LTO) Administrative Order No. RIB-2008-011 Series of 2007, it is now possible for Filipinos abroad who hold an authentic Philippine drivers license to renew their expired license through their authorized representative in the Philippines. The following documents must be presented by the authorized representative of the applicant to LTO: Original drivers license and receipt (plus one photocopy of each) Photocopy of Philippine passport (first page, visa page and pages showing departure from the Philippines and last arrival overseas) Special Power of Attorney (SPA) from the licensee to the LTO requesting the renewal and authorizing a representative to renew the license on his / her behalf. The SPA must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate General (please refer to Authentication procedures and requirements in the list of Consular Services). Applicants within the National Capital Region (NCR) or Metro Manila may apply for renewal at the License Section of the Central Office of the LTO in Quezon City. Representatives who are outside of NCR may apply at the LTO field office of their choice. NOTE: only an OFFICIAL RECEIPT will be issued by the LTO to those who apply for extensions on their drivers license through a representative. A new ID-card can only be issued upon the arrival of the applicant at the LTO in the Philippines and compliance with all requirements for license renewal, including the biometrics capture, medical, vision and drug test. PH REQUIREMENTS FOR MEDICAL MISSIONS According to the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA, formerly BFAD), any foreign organization intending to bring medicines and/or medical equipment to be donated or used during the conduct of medical missions must comply with the requirements of the Department of Healths Bureau of International Health Cooperation (DOH-BIHC). DOH-BIHC shall then facilitate the issuance of a clearance from the FDA and the Bureau of Health Devices and Technology (BHDT) for the drugs, medical supplies and medical equipment, as the case may be. 1. All applications for Foreign Surgical and Medical Missions (FSMM) shall be submitted to the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) who shall forward the same to the following professional groups copy furnished DOH. Click here to download application form (from PMA website, philippinemedicalassociation. org ). 2. Each member of the foreign medical team must submit the following documents in applying for temporary license to practice during the duration of the mission. All documents must be in English or with English translation: a. Valid/current license from country of origin, authenticated by the Embassy/Consulate (please refer to Authentication procedures and requirements in the list of Consular Services) b. Board certification (specialty), authenticated by the Embassy/Consulate (please refer to Authentication procedures and requirements in the list of Consular Services) c. Curriculum vitae, acknowledged by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate (please refer to Authentication procedures and requirements in the list of Consular Services) d. Passport sized picture in four copies (taken within one year) e. Application letter addressed to the President of PMA to contain the following information: - Type of mission (medical, surgical or both) - Duration of the mission and inclusive dates - Names and specialties of the mission team members - Written consent from the host local government executive (governor/mayor) and/or of the health facility where the mission will be conducted f. The following are additional requirements if the foreign mission team members intend to bring drugs, and/or medicines, medical supplies and medical equipment to be donated or used during the mission: - Itemized list of the items together with the quantity and the expiration dates for drugs and medicines - Deed of donation authenticated at the country of origin (please refer to Authentication procedures and requirements in the list of Consular Services) - Deed of acceptance from the host hospital/Local Government Unit (LGU) - Drugs and medicines to be donated should have a shelf life of at least 12 months upon arrival in the country and the said medicine shall be used solely for the scheduled mission. - Application must be submitted 60 days before the date of mission to facilitate clearance/s from DOH and other agencies. g. Letter of certification from the sponsoring host organization (LGU or Non-Government Organization (NGO)) certifying the need and type of mission to be conducted. Cost of post-care mission of morbidities/mortalities arising from the mission will be shouldered as well by the host organization. h. Proof of juridical entity (certified true copy of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration must be submitted. i. Notarized letter of guarantee from both the medical mission group and the host organization assuming full responsibility for the outcome of the missions. 3. The PMA, upon receipt of all requirements, will forward the application to the concerned specialty societies for evaluation of credentials. The DOH will be informed immediately of the presence of drugs, medical supplies and medical equipment. 4. The DOH shall facilitate issuance of clearance by its FDA and BHDT for the above mentioned goods. 5. After the evaluation of the missioners credentials by the concerned Specialty Society, the PMA shall send a letter of endorsement to DOH. 6. The DOH shall then endorse the documents to Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). 7. The PRC, after final review, shall issue the Special Temporary Permit to Practice to concerned foreign missioners. 8. The lead time for the processing of the application are as follows: PMA - 2 weeks before the mission date DOH - 1 week before the mission date PRC - 3 weeks before the mission date 9. Post-mission report shall be submitted by the head of the foreign surgical and/or medical missions, concurred/noted by the President of the local component society of PMA, and/or specialty society and the LGU concerned, to the oversight agencies (DOH, PMA, PRC) 15 days after the completion of the mission. All records and audio-visual documents must also be submitted in triplicate form. The post-mission report should contain the following minimum basic information: No. and age of cases seen Diagnosis of patients List of medicines distributed and surgical interventions done Endorsements to the necessary health facilities (follow-up, further evaluation and management) Morbidities and mortalities, if any 10. All materials submitted to the oversight agencies shall be the property of the Philippine counterpart and may not be used for advertisement, solicitation or medical publication without the written and expressed approval of the local medical society and/or specialty society of the PMA and the local counterpart. Any intellectual output as journal or publication must include the local physicians as senior authors. 11. Former Filipino Registered Health Professionals who are part of a Medical/Surgical Mission Team may practice their profession in the Philippines upon presentation of proof of valid and current PRC licenses. Otherwise, they have to renew their licenses upon submission of the following requirements (Presidential Decree No. 541): Photocopy of current/valid passport (page 1 and the page showing the date of arrival in the Philippines) Photocopy of PRC license and valid certificate of registration License/Certificate of Registration in the adopted country or Certification of employment with letterhead indicating the job description within the definition of the applicants profession Four pieces of recent passport size pictures (taken within one year) Payment of prescribed fees at PRC Certificated of training and board certification (for specialists) Application for Temporary Special Permit (PRC form 103-A) 12. Foreign Religious groups/missionaries practicing medicine in the country shall abide by the same requirements and adhere to the guidelines. These missioners who serve for longer period of time shall signify their intention to continue living in the Philippines to pursue missionary works. They shall secure Special Temporary Permit, which is to be renewed annually. The following must be submitted: Certification for their congregation that the medical works are purely for charity purposes and with no remuneration involved whatsoever. A certification from the congregation assuming the responsibility for any action of the said physician The missionary should submit to PMA an annual mission report including a list of patients treated The missionary is required to attend PMA or component societies Continuing Medical Education (CME) related activities once a year to update their medical knowledge. The missionary who conducted his missionary works in the province must coordinate with the PMA component society for proper identification and monitoring. According to the DOH-BIHC, the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) may be contacted to assist organizers of foreign medical missions. The CFOs contact details are: Commission on Filipinos Overseas Citigold Center, 1345 President Quirino Avenue, Corner South Superhighway, Manila Telephone Nos. (632) 561-8327, 552-4701 Fax No. 561-8332 Mobile Nos. (63) 9175630773 / (63) 9175630782 Email: imelda. nicolascfo. gov. ph The DOHs Revised Policies and Guidelines in the Conduct of FSMM may be found at doh. gov. ph (click on Doing Business gt Medical Missions). Below is the DOHs complete text on the Procedural Guide for Shipping Medicines/Drugs for Medical Missions . Pursuant to item VII, No. 3 (f) of the Joint Administrative Order No. 2009-0030, of the DOH, the PRC, and the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), the following are additional requirements if the foreign mission team members intend to bring drugs, and/or medicines, medical supplies and medical equipment to be donated or used during the mission: Itemized list of the items together with the quantity and the expiration dates for drugs and medicines Flight details Deed of donation authenticated at the country of origin Deed of acceptance from the host hospital/Local Government Unit Drugs and medicines to be donated should heave a shelf life of at least 12 months upon arrival in the country and the said medicine shall be used solely for the scheduled mission Application must be submitted 60 days before the date of mission to facilitate clearance/s from DOH and other agencies With regard to the entry of drugs which need to be regulated by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), please refer to the PDEAs website at pdea. gov. ph . Please be also informed that the donated medicines are subject to duties and taxes. These shall only be exempted from duties if these are consigned to government and private (primary and secondary) hospitals duly licensed to operated by the DOH, and welfare/relief dispensing organizations/agencies registered and/or accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and registered with the SEC. Even if the donation is exempted from duties, it will still be subject to Value-Added Tax (VAT), which is computed at twelve percent (12) of the total cost of shipment. In securing duty-free clearance, the following documents must be submitted to the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and the Department of Finance (DOF): A. From the Donor: Deed of Donation duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate Packing list of donated items. If medicines would be included in the shipment, kindly submit the itemized list of drugs and quantity to be donated indicating brand/generic name, dosage forms/strengths, batch/lot number, expiration date of at least one (1) year upon receipt, and name/address of the manufacturer and Shipping Documents (i. e. bill of lading). The original copy will be needed by the consignee/local counterpart in processing the release of donation. B. From the Donee/Consignee: Letter to the DOH-BIHC requesting endorsement to the FDA for the issuance of clearance. The letter request should be submitted with the complete list of drugs and quantity to be donated, with the following information: brand/generic name, formulation (with English translation), dosage forms/strengths, batch/lot number, expiration date of at least one (1) year upon receipt, and name/address of the manufacturer. Letter to the NEDA and DOF requesting for the issuance of duty-free clearance for the donation Duly notarized Deed of Acceptance Distribution plan for medicines Current and valid DOH License to Operate, if hospital DSWD License to Operate and Certification of Accreditation, if non-government organization and FDA Certificate of Product Registration (for medicines) The donee/consignee in the Philippines may apply for the clearances for the donated items. It is important that the name listed as donee/consignee in the deed of donation must be the same as that appearing in the shipping documents. We suggest that the shipping of any donation to the Philippines should be withheld unless prior coordination with the donee/consignee has been made, and appropriate endorsements/clearances from government agencies have been secured. ISSUANCE OF OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE OEC or exit clearance/pass is a document certifying the regularity of a workers recruitment and documentation and ensures exemption from travel tax and airport terminal fee. It is presented at the POEA Labor Assistance Center (LAC) and the Bureau of Immigration (BI) counter at the airports prior to departure. The OES serves as the workers guarantee that he/she is covered by government protection and benefits. The requirements for the issuance of OEC are as follows: Copy of passport (page showing photo and personal data) Copy of valid work visa, work permit or equivalent document (e. g. Form I-797) Accomplished Balik-Manggagawa Information Sheet and US equivalent of P100 (between US2 and US3, depending on current Php-US exchange rate). OEC issued by POLO is for one-time use only and valid for 60 days. This means that the vacationing OFW should leave the Philippines within 60 days upon the issuance of OEC. OEC may be secured personally at the POLO, Philippine Embassy, 1600 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036 or via mail. If via mail, the OFW should include a self-addressed/stamped return envelope. For security purposes, the payment should be in money order payable to Labor Office. For inquiries, please contact 1-202-467-9425/26 or e-mail wdcpolousagmail . ON-SITE OWWA MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM Membership in Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) is mandatory for all overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). All OWWA members are covered by life insurance and other social benefits implemented by OWWA. The On-Site Membership Program is an enrolment or registration scheme for OFWs who are in the work destinations. It shall cover the following: OFWs whose OWWA membership had expired and OFWs who enroll as first-time members, provided they are gainfully employed overseas at the time of registration. The following are the requirements for OWWA enrolment/registration: Copy of passport (page showing photo and personal data) Proof of employment such as work contract/permit, employment offer, pay slip, certificate of employment from the company/employer, company identification card, and/or other relevant evidence of employment Accomplished Balik-Manggagawa Information Sheet and US25 membership fee. OWWA enrolment/registration may be done personally at the POLO, Philippine Embassy, 1600 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036 or via mail. If via mail, the OFW should include a self-addressed/stamped return envelope. For security purposes, the payment should be in money order payable to OWWA. For inquiries, please contact 1-202-467-9413 or e-mail owwawashingtondcyahoo . EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION The POEA requires the verification of the employment contract of the OFW before he/she is granted an OEC. Contract verification ensures that there is actual existence of job and employer for the OFW and that the provisions in the contract meet the minimum requirements of the POEA and that of the host government. The following are the requirements for contract verification: Approved work permit or visa Employers Information Card. (If the employer in the work permit is an individual, use the Individual Information Card Form. If the work permit is approved under a business, use the Business Information Card Form) Copy of the business license. (If the work permit is approved under business.) Copy of identification of the employer or company representative signing the employment contract (e. g. passport, drivers license, etc.) and Payment of US35 in US Bank Draft or Money Order payable to the Embassy of the Philippines (or Philippine Consulate General, if application is made at one of the Philippine Consulates General in the U. S.) for verification and authentication fee. If the transaction will be done by mail, another US Bank Draft or Money Order should be secured payable to Fedex. The amount shall depend on the Fedex quote to be obtained by the employer/company for shipping the verified and authenticated documents from the Philippine Embassy, 1600 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036 to the point of destination of the documents (either back to the employer or company or directly to the address of the worker in the Philippines). The turn around time for contract verification and authentication is three working days. Employers/company representatives are advised to contact POLO at 1-202-467-9425/26 or e-mail wdcpolousagmail before sending the documents for verification and authentication. POLOs mailing address is Embassy of the Philippines, 1600 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC, 20036 U. S.A.

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